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Bibliography<br />

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Polti, Georges, The Thirty-Six Dramatic Situations, New York, 1916<br />

Sarcey, Francisque, Quarante annees du theatre, Vol. I, Paris, 1900<br />

Slosson, Edwin J., and Downey, June, Plots and Personalities, New York,<br />

1922<br />


Literary Genres<br />

Behrens, Irene, Die Lehre von der Einteilung der Dichtkunst: Beihefte<br />

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Bohm, Franz J., "BegrifT und Wesen des Genre," Zeitschrift filr Asthetik,<br />

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Bond, Richmond P., English Burlesque Poetry, Cambridge, Mass., 1932<br />

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Burke, Kenneth, "Poetic Categories," Attitudes toward History (New<br />

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Donohue, James J., The Theory of Literary Kinds: Ancient Classifications<br />

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Ehrenpreis, Irwin, The "Types" Approach to Literature, New York, 1945<br />

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Mautner, Franz H., "Der Aphorismus als literarische Gattung," Zeitschrift<br />

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Pearson, N. H., "Literary Forms and Types," . . . , English Institute<br />

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Petersen, Julius, "Zur Lehre von den Dichtungsgattungen," Festschrift<br />

fur August Sauer, Stuttgart, 1925, pp. 72-116

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