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306 Notes [pp. 50-53<br />

4. Most useful for students of English are J. W. Spargo, A Biblio-<br />

graphical Manual for Students, Chicago, 1939 (Second ed., 1941);<br />

Arthur G. Kennedy, A Concise Bibliography for Students of English,<br />

Second ed., Stanford University Press, 1945.<br />

5. E.g., W. W. Greg, A Bibliography of the English Printed Drama to<br />

the Restoration, Vol. I, London, 1939; F. R. Johnson, A Critical<br />

Bibliography of the Works of Edmund Spenser Pri?ited before 1770,<br />

Baltimore, 1933; Hugh Macdonald, John Dry den: A Bibliography of<br />

Early Editions and Drydeniana, Oxford, 1939; cf. James M. Osborn,<br />

"Macdonald's Bibliography of Dryden," Modern Philology, XXXIX<br />

(1942), pp. 313-19; R. H. Griffith, Alexander Pope: A Bibliography,<br />

2 parts, Austin, Texas, 1922-27.<br />

6. R. B. McKerrow, An Introduction to Bibliography for Literary Stu-<br />

dents, Oxford, 1927.<br />

7. Cf. bibliography, Section I.<br />

8. On paleography of English literary documents, see Wolfgang Keller,<br />

Angelsachsische Paleographie, 2 vols., Berlin, 1 906 {Palaestra, 43,<br />

a and b). On Elizabethan handwriting, see Muriel St. Clare Byrne,<br />

"Elizabethan Handwriting for Beginners," Review of English Studies,<br />

I (1925), pp. 198-209; Hilary Jenkinson, "Elizabethan Handwrit-<br />

ings," Library, 4th Series, III (1922), pp. 1-34; McKerrow, loc. cit.<br />

(for Appendix on Elizabethan handwriting) ; Samuel A. Tannen-<br />

baum, The Handzvriting of the Renaissance, New York, 1 930. Tech-<br />

nical devices of investigating MSS (microscopes, ultra-violet rays,<br />

etc.) are described in R. B. Haselden, Scientific Aids for the Study of<br />

Manuscripts, Oxford, 1935.<br />

9. Finely worked out pedigrees are to be found in such books as R. K.<br />

Root's The Textual Tradition of Chaucer's Troilus, Chaucer Society,<br />

London, 1916.<br />

10. Cf. bibliography, Section I.<br />

11. Cf. bibliography, Section I.<br />

12. W. S. MacCormick and J. Haseltine, The MSS of the Canterbury<br />

Tales, Oxford, 1933; J. M. Manly, The Text of the Canterbury<br />

Tales, 8 vols., Chicago, 1940; R. W. Chambers and J. H. Grattan,<br />

"The Text of Piers Plowman: Critical Methods," Modem Language<br />

Review, XI (1916), pp. 257-75, and "The Text of Piers Plow77ian"<br />

ibid., XXVI (1926), pp. 1-5 1.<br />

13. For more elaborate distinctions cf. Kantorowicz, quoted in bibliog-<br />

raphy, Section I.<br />

14. Cf. Sculley Bradley, "The Problem of a Variorum Edition of Whit-<br />

man's Leaves of<br />

Grass,'''' English Institute Antiual, 1041, New York,

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