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256 Theory of Literature<br />

harmonies," which are all that is left to Milton. 17 The "content"<br />

has to be disregarded 3 the form is disengageable.<br />

Such judgments should not, we think, be accepted as satisfac-<br />

tory versions of "formalism." They take an atomistic view of the<br />

work of art, estimating the relative poeticality of its materials<br />

instead of the poeticality of the total work, which may magnetize<br />

to its purpose much which, out of this context, would be abstract<br />

discourse. Both Dante and Milton wrote treatises as well as<br />

poems, and did not confound the two. Milton, a theological in-<br />

dependent, wrote a dissertation De Doctrina Christiana at about<br />

the time during which he was composing Paradise Lost. How-<br />

ever one defines the nature of his poem (epic, Christian epic, or<br />

philosophical-and-epic poem) and in spite of its announced de-<br />

sign to "justify the ways of God," it had a different purpose<br />

from the treatise: its nature is established by the literary tradi-<br />

tions it invokes and by its relation to Milton's own earlier poetry.<br />

Milton's theology in Paradise Lost is orthodox Protestant<br />

or susceptible of such a reading. But the reader's failure to share<br />

that theology doesn't denude the poem. As long ago as Blake,<br />

indeed, it was suggested that Satan is the hero of the poem, by<br />

Milton's unconscious "intention"; and there was, with Byron<br />

and Shelley, a romantic Paradise Lost which coupled Satan<br />

with Prometheus and which dwelt sympathetically, as Collins<br />

had earlier begun to do, upon the "primitivism" of Milton's<br />

Eden. 18 There is certainly also a "humanist" reading, as Saurat<br />

has shown. The sweep, the vistas of the poem, its scenery<br />

somber or vaguely grand—are not disposed of by dissent to its<br />

theology or fact.<br />

That the style of Paradise Lost leaves it a great poem even<br />

though its doctrine should be scrapped is highly dubious. Such a<br />

view reduces to the absurd the separation of a work into its<br />

"form" and its "meaning": "form" here becomes "style," and<br />

"meaning" becomes "ideology." The separation, indeed, does<br />

not take care of the total work: it leaves out all structures "above"<br />

metrics and diction; and "meaning," according to its account, is<br />

what L. A. Reid calls "secondary subject-matter" (subject mat-<br />

ter still outside the work of art). It leaves out the plot or nar-<br />

rative, the characters (or, more properly, the "characteriza-<br />

tion"), and the "world," the interlocking of plot, atmosphere,<br />

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