147 pages pdf - ICT Digital Literacy

147 pages pdf - ICT Digital Literacy

147 pages pdf - ICT Digital Literacy


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High Signal/Low Noise – Promoting Learning Like A Pro!<br />

Chapter 10: High Signal/Low Noise<br />

– Promoting Learning Like A Pro!<br />

Yes, if you build it AND you market it … they will come! In the hustle bustle of everything else,<br />

sometimes this element is underestimated (or worse, forgotten) but out readers told us in no<br />

uncertain terms that branding your program and communicating it are critical parts of the e-<br />

Learning success equation.<br />

#451: And The Top 10 Courses Of The Week Were …<br />

Do learner evaluations on course completions and use them to create a "Top 10 list", like the<br />

Monday morning Top 10 movies of the weekend.<br />

Bob Dean<br />

Grant Thornton<br />

#452: Water Your Geranium Daily<br />

An e-Learning program won't survive on its own. Without ongoing marketing and promotion, you're likely to<br />

see low adoption rates and half-hearted support from management. Think of an unwatered geranium. It<br />

looked so great when you bought it ... You've spent weeks, or maybe months, on due diligence -- and<br />

you've chosen the right e-Learning products for your organization. But that's only the beginning. Now your<br />

role is to become a marketing expert and a cheerleader, making sure to communicate regularly with all of<br />

your many stakeholders. Create a marketing plan... and follow it!! To achieve maximum success with your<br />

program, you'll want to continually sell to all groups: executives, managers, employees. Your approach<br />

will probably differ substantially for each audience. Talk about the unique benefits each group will realize<br />

by adopting e-Learning. Finally, don't forget to bring the other members of your training and IT<br />

departments into the fold. E-learning may be seen as mainstream today, but there are still a surprising<br />

number of hold-outs.<br />

Gerri Bara<br />

MindLeaders<br />

#453: e-Learning Is Just Another Way<br />

Clearly communicate why the move to e-Learning is necessary and why it will be used. One possible, albeit<br />

obvious, reason is that a decrease in available travel funds makes classroom training virtually impossible.<br />

Emphasize that e-Learning is the most cost-efficient, most effective means of providing the same learning<br />

curriculum to staff at multiple locations. Assure that the message of the learning will not be lost in the new learning<br />

media. Remind learners that the learning objectives are the same as they would be in the classroom.<br />

William Sotak<br />

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services<br />

#454: Square One<br />

Focus on the learner and how this training will support the "business" in your communications.<br />

Edward C. Papke<br />

U.S. Army Air Defense School<br />

#455: Tell Them & Tell Them Again<br />

If you have an e-Learning vendor and the vendor periodically adds new courses to the catalog, send out a<br />

marketing piece to your audience. It not only informs them of the update, but reminds them that the e-<br />

Learning opportunity is out there, waiting for them to take advantage of it.<br />

Alexis Bernard<br />

Northern Trust<br />

701 e-Learning Tips by The MASIE Center www.masie.com 90

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