Untitled - Electric Scotland

Untitled - Electric Scotland

Untitled - Electric Scotland


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for safety or honest advance, during these heated disputa<br />

tions :-<br />

&quot; The folly of the publication of Essays and Reviews, and,<br />

still more, of Stanley s ill-judged defence of them in the Edin<br />

burgh Review, and then the madness of Bishop Colenso ; these<br />

things have so effectually frightened the clergy that I think<br />

there is scarcely a Bishop on the Bench, unless it be the Bishop<br />

of St. David s, that is not useless for the purpose of prevent<br />

men. . . . Mean<br />

ing the widespread alienation of intelligent<br />

while I feel my own vocation clear, greatly as I sympathise<br />

with the Evangelicals, not to allow them to tyrannise over the<br />

Broad Churchmen ; and to resist that tendency which is at present<br />

strong in them to coalesce with the High Church party for the<br />

mere purpose of exterminating those against whom the cry is<br />

now loudest. I deeply deplore, and indeed execrate, the spirit<br />

of much of the Essays and Reviews. I have lately read over<br />

again with the utmost care Wilson s and Williams essays before<br />

writing my memorandum for the judgment of their cases before the<br />

Privy Council. Williams spirit seems to me even worse than I<br />

thought it on the former perusal. I do not wonder at the out<br />

cry and alarm, but what are bishops appointed for except to<br />

direct the clergy in times of alarm ? I pray that I may never fall<br />

into the snare<br />

diocese. . .<br />

of following rather than leading the clergy of<br />

. is wanted is a deeply religious liberal<br />

my What<br />

party, and almost all who might have formed it have, in the<br />

alarm, deserted. . . . The great evil is that the liberals are<br />

deficient in religion, and the religious are deficient in liberality.<br />

Let us pray for an outpouring of the very Spirit of Truth.&quot;

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