Untitled - Electric Scotland

Untitled - Electric Scotland

Untitled - Electric Scotland


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know,&quot; he says, &quot;how much this success was due to my<br />

vivA voce examination in Aristotle, which was conducted<br />

by William Sewell, but I know that Sewell, in consequence<br />

of this examination, recommended me to several pupils,<br />

and always had a friendly feeling towards me through his<br />

overclouded life.&quot;<br />

long, chequered, and sadly<br />

Immediately on taking his degree he went to <strong>Scotland</strong><br />

for Christmas. It proved a great comfort to him that he<br />

had so arranged, for he was thus enabled to repay in some<br />

measure the tender love and devotion with which old<br />

Betty Morton had watched over his infancy and boyhood.<br />

It is surely a fact worth noticing that three at least<br />

among the leading public men of our generation Lord<br />

Shaftesbury, Lord Lawrence, and Archbishop Tait, have<br />

each of them, in recalling the main influences which con<br />

tributed to mould their lives, assigned a foremost place to<br />

the nurse of their early years. 1 Maria Millis, Margaret<br />

Morse, and Betty Morton deserve one and all to be grate<br />

fully remembered by the English men and women of<br />

to-day. And, as Lord Lawrence s biographer has said,<br />

there are few ties more sacred and more indissoluble<br />

than those which unite the younger, ay, and the elder,<br />

members of a family to an old and trusted nurse. Witness<br />

it some of the most exquisite passages in all literature,<br />

from the time of Deborah the aged nurse of Rebekah, or<br />

Eurykleia the nurse and confidante alike of Telemachus<br />

and Penelope, right down to the Lord of the Isles and<br />

the Lady of the Lake, or, again, to Tennyson s Nurse<br />

of Ninety Years, or, we may add, to Alison Cunningham,<br />

the heroine of Stevenson s touching poem. 2<br />

Finding herself no longer equal to the long<br />

stairs in<br />

1 See Lord Shaftesbtiry s Life, vol. i. pp. 39, etc. ; Lord Lawrence s Life,<br />

vol. i. pp. 133, etc.<br />

Dedication of A Child s Garden of Verses.

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