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gists who recognize the existence of phenomena such as envy and<br />

resentment that society would still be prone to disturbance as a result of<br />

provocative ineqUality. Only a permanently equal society would offer<br />

freedom from envy and hence from aggression-a state of mutual<br />

friendship between its members.<br />

As we have been able to show repeatedly in this book from many<br />

different angles and cultural viewpoints, neither of these utopian societies,<br />

even if they were to approach their ideal, would be able to turn<br />

human beings into contented and peaceable sheep, as 'progressive'<br />

social science promises.<br />

Once the process of envying has begun, the envious man so distorts<br />

the reality he experiences, in his imagination if not actually in the act of<br />

perception, that he never lacks reason for envy. The same applies to the<br />

man who feels insecure.<br />

Everyone in his lifetime must have had an experience such as the<br />

following: Against the advice of some onlooker, one sets to work on<br />

something difficult, carpentry, say, which one insists on doing in one's<br />

own way. Suddenly the malice of inanimate objects asserts itself. Things<br />

begin to go wrong. How often do we then exclaim: 'You wanted that to<br />

happen!' Yet we know perfectly well that the annoyance of our companion<br />

whose advice has been spurned cannot possibly affect the natural<br />

course of things. For primitive man there is never any question of the<br />

other man's guilt in such a case: he is always convinced of it.<br />

But this archaic magical way of interpreting our environment, in<br />

seeing our neighbour's evil eye on it, as it were, has not been so<br />

completely discarded by modern man that in most of us it cannot recur. It<br />

still persists in rural areas, and subliminally. In practical terms this<br />

means that if there ever were a society in which the individual or every<br />

group was guaranteed absolute economic security, and hence where no<br />

one could really threaten or objectively harm. another, there would still<br />

remain plenty of unpleasant personal and group experiences which<br />

would still unerringly be attributed to other people's malevolence.<br />

Why a society of unenvious equals?<br />

The blind spot in regard to the problem of envy in the social science of<br />

this century, and particularly in 'human behavioural science' in the<br />

United States, cannot be fortuitous. It can be plainly shown how authors

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