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Might not the zeal with which the socialist-minded person calls for a<br />

form of society in which he assumes that everything will be socially just<br />

spring in the first place from the need to realize, at least in so far as<br />

society in the abstract is concerned, that ideal which he has found to be<br />

unattainable in his personal life-the just society, in which no one will<br />

have to feel guilty before another's envy of his own inequality?<br />

The assertion that the envied man is responsible for envy (and hence<br />

that not only is ownership theft, but ownership is envy in the other), a<br />

favourite thesis of left-minded writers, is just as hypocritical and, taken<br />

to its logical conclusion, just as absurd as the assertion that the envious<br />

man never has just cause for indignation. There is, however, no form of<br />

human existence in which we could ever be free from the 'guilt' of<br />

arousing envy in others. Here is the root of that general, aimless sense of<br />

guilt which, during the past hundred years, has exercised so disrupting<br />

and disorienting an influence. The pangs of guilt (social conscience),<br />

and the naive assumption that there could ever be a form of society that<br />

was either classless or otherwise non-provocative of envy, have been<br />

responsible for the adherence to leftist movements of large numbers of<br />

middle- and upper-class people, and have made it relatively easy for<br />

communist countries to recruit spies from among the prominent in<br />

Western establishments.<br />

It is hopeless, and hence dishonest or naive, to strive for a form of<br />

society in which virtually no one could be 'guilty' of envy or resentment,<br />

of covetousness, in respect of another. Such a society would be incapable<br />

of functioning. It would not even have the elementary institutions to<br />

maintain, or to retain, such assets of civilization as we have so far been<br />

able to acquire; it could not admit of any innovation, nor could it succeed<br />

in bringing up a new generation. Eventually it would prove as impossible<br />

to maintain disparity between minors and adults in regard to ownership<br />

and discretionary powers over educational media as it would be to<br />

maintain disparity between those of the same ages. For the utopia of the<br />

egalitarians is invalidated in the first instance by the age-determined<br />

hierarchy existing in any society. Tensions and resentments between the<br />

generations are considerable, and among primitive peoples, indeed,<br />

there are carefully prescribed ceremonies designed to canalize them. It<br />

does not need an exceptionally vivid imagination to realize the extent to<br />

which people of different ages would become obsessed by the discrep-

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