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is in any case very extravagant of resources. A society's civilizing power<br />

of achievement is dependent on that society's skill in domesticating and<br />

canalizing envy. It is not to be promoted by inflaming envy with a<br />

vain-although politically highly profitable, even if short-lived-gesture<br />

of appeasement in the name of absolute equality, under the erroneous<br />

impression that this will bring about the envy-free society ofthe<br />

pure in heart.<br />

One of the most disquieting problems today is that out of indolence so<br />

many people either pretend to be or believe themselves unable to distinguish<br />

between legitimate indignation-envy (in Raiga's sense of the<br />

term) and ordinary, vulgar envy. If one considers the way in which<br />

governments and other bodies have reacted during the past twenty years<br />

to envious acts of aggression, one might think that it is enough to show<br />

resentment and envy in order to justify any kind of action or demand.<br />

Envy is used as an instrument of legitimization, and it is no longer<br />

incumbent on the envious person, group or movement to prove that its<br />

envy is righteous indignation at real injustice.<br />

The dividing line between vulgar envy and justifiable indignationenvy,<br />

so vital for an ordered social and national life, has been blurred by<br />

an increasingly fervent egalitarianism, the misunderstanding and exaggeration<br />

of the idea of equality. Further, a dimension of time was lost.<br />

'Justice' must be attained this very minute: its postponement until<br />

tomorrow or the next day is now considered inconceivable.<br />

If, however, in a relaxing social situation, everyone believes himself to<br />

be on an equal footing with everyone else and.if, furthermore, the idea<br />

that a higher status or standard of living must be acquired by work, and<br />

earned, falls into disuse, if, that is, the idea of equality becomes<br />

identified with complete immediacy, it will no longer be possible to<br />

distinguish between the two forms of envy. Thus every privilege, every<br />

superiority of rank, every difference in property and prosperity and<br />

every authority, no matter how legitimately elected, is basically open to<br />

attack from the street whenever people, their faces distorted with envy<br />

and hatred, gather to protest against it.<br />

Socialism and envy<br />

If a study of envy must, to a certain degree, concern itself with socialism,<br />

this should not be misunderstood as an attempt to associate a

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