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374<br />


the wonderful word 'our' into the practice of socialist cornmuna1living.<br />

This is a great problem. Let us take rental shops, for example. Why should<br />

such shops not be set up everywhere, so that those who wished to do so<br />

could hire a bicycle, a car, a motor-bike, a motor-boat and other things for a<br />

short time at little cost?17<br />

Now it seems probable that Semichastny was an extremely envious<br />

man. This is not only suggested by the challenge quoted above, but also<br />

by the part he played in the ostracism of Boris Pasternak in the autumn of<br />

1958, when Pasternak was awarded the Nobel Prize. The Komsomol<br />

leader called the poet a swine and demanded that he leave the Soviet<br />

Union. This invective was too much for intellectuals even in Russia. It is<br />

not difficult to imagine what an official might feel about poetic gifts<br />

great enough to win the Nobel Prize, when this same official actually<br />

takes offence at a child's saying 'my bicycle. '<br />

Against the background of our entire analysis, Semichastny's proposal<br />

is instructive for several reasons. The fanatical advocate of communal<br />

ownership correctly saw that the feeling for private property was ineradicably<br />

inculcated into and stamped upon the child during the process<br />

of its personality formation. He probably did not know that decades<br />

before, in some of the Israeli kibbutzim, for just such reasons, if not<br />

perhaps very successfully, an attempt had seriously been made to set up<br />

a rotation system, even for work clothes, so that no one could talk of 'his'<br />

shoes or 'his' trousers. Nor did he know that even the simplest primitive<br />

peoples, who are not yet 'corrupted by capitalism,' both recognize and<br />

encourage an unconditional and secure title to ownership, even by young<br />

children, of certain commodities. Strong evidence suggests that private<br />

property is a constitutive factor in any social existence, and the attempt<br />

to exclude it legislatively from the process of the individual's socialization<br />

cannot appear until relatively late in cultural history, when a<br />

process of political messianism has begun.<br />

It is, indeed, a matter of some irony that the one place where Semichastny's<br />

pet method has first taken on is America, that allegedly<br />

materialistic stronghold of capitalism: increasingly, objects of daily use,<br />

brand-new motorcars, motorboats, small aircraft, motor mowers, office<br />

equipment of all kinds, clothing, pictures, etc., are regularly rented or<br />

17 Neue Zurcher Zeitung, foreign edition, April 11 , 1959, p. 2.

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