Space Security Index

Space Security Index

Space Security Index


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<strong>Space</strong> <strong>Security</strong> 2011<br />

198<br />

153 <strong>Space</strong> Travel, “ISS Operations Mark 10 Years,” 12 November 2010, online: www.space-travel.com/<br />

reports/ISS_Operations_Mark_10_Years_999.html (in Russian).<br />

154 Roscosmos Blog, “ere are More Scientic Experiments on the ISS,” 7 September 2010, online:<br />

www.federalspace.ru/main.php?id=69&bid=195&blogger=2 (in Russian); for information in<br />

English, see Orbiter Forum, “From ISS On-Orbit Status Report for 07/09/2010,” 8 September<br />

2010, online: www.orbiter-forum.com/showthread.php?t=85&page=36.<br />

155 Peter B. Selding, “Science Gear Repairs a Big Fraction of ISS Research Time,” <strong>Space</strong> News, 29<br />

September 2010, online: www.spacenews.com/civil/100929-repairing-gear-big-fraction-iss-time.<br />

html.<br />

156 RIA Novosti, “Manned <strong>Space</strong>craft ‘Soyuz’ will be Docked to the New Module,” 15 January 2010,<br />

online: http://rniikp.ru/ru/news/index/20100115_4.htm (in Russian); for information in English,<br />

see RIA Novosti, “Russian Cosmonaut Moves Soyuz to New Docking Port on ISS,” 21 January<br />

2010, online: www.globalsecurity.org/space/library/news/2010/space-100121-rianovosti02.htm.<br />

157 Mark Carreau, “Rassvet ISS Module Opens for Business,” Aviation Week, 21 May 2010, online:<br />

www.aviationweek.com/aw/generic/story_generic.jsp?channel=space&id=news/asd/2010/05/21/11.<br />

xml&headline=Rassvet%20ISS%20Module%20Opens%20For%20Business.<br />

158 For the description of the module see ales Alenia <strong>Space</strong>, “Node 3: A complex architecture,” 2010,<br />

online: www.thalesaleniaspace-issmodules.com/node3.<br />

159 Details regarding Cupola see in ESA, “Cupola, ISS Observation Module,” 9 February 2010, online:<br />

www.esa.int/esaMI/node3/SEM1RFSJR4G_0.html.<br />

160 Cheryl L. Manseld, “NASA Receives Tranquility,” NASA news, 23 November 2009, online:<br />

www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/behindscenes/tranquility_transfer.html.<br />

161 Artem Miklailov, “Cosmodrome In-Orbit,” РБК daily, 14 October 2010, online: www.rbcdaily.<br />

ru/2010/10/14/cnews/518809; RIA Novosti, “Russian Segment of the ISS is Planned for<br />

Transformation after 2020,” 3 August 2010, online: www.rian.ru/science/20100802/261009678.<br />

html (in Russian); for information in English, see Doug Messier, “Perminov: Use ISS to Assemble<br />

Moon and Mars Bound Vehicles,” Parabolic Arc, 18 June 2010, online: www.parabolicarc.<br />

com/2010/06/18/perminov-iss-assemble-moon-mars-bound-vehicles.<br />

162 <strong>Space</strong> Travel, “NASA argues for extra 2011 shuttle mission,” 22 November 2010, online: www.<br />

space-travel.com/reports/NASA_argues_for_extra_2011_shuttle_mission_999.html.<br />

163 RIA Novosti, “NASA and Roscosmos Signed the Agreement to Bring Astronauts to the ISS,” 7<br />

April 2010, online: http://rniikp.ru/ru/news/index/20100407_7.htm (in Russian); for information<br />

in English, see SatNews.com, “NASA Extends Contract with Roscosmos,” 10 April 2010, online:<br />

www.satnews.com/stories2007/4260.<br />

164 NEWSru, “e First Launch of the Russian Rockets from Latin America Postponed until Spring,”<br />

1 October 2010, online: www.newsru.com/russia/30sep2010/kuru.html (in Russian). According<br />

to a source in English the start will not happen before mid-2011; see S. Clarl, “Soyuz Launch Pad<br />

Moves Closer to Flight Readiness,” <strong>Space</strong>ight Now, 28 September 2010, online:<br />

http://spaceightnow.com/news/n1009/28csgsoyuz.<br />

165 Anatoly Zak, “ELS,” Russian <strong>Space</strong>web, last updated 3 February 2011, online:<br />

www.russianspaceweb.com/kourou_els.html.<br />

166 “Construction of the Russian Launchpad in Kourou <strong>Space</strong>port is accomplished,” 2 November 2010,<br />

online: www.cybersecurity.ru/space/106829.html (in Russian). For an overview of the process of<br />

construction see an article by A. Zak on Russian <strong>Space</strong> Web, 3 February 2011, online:<br />

www.russianspaceweb.com/kourou_els.html.<br />

167 Doug Messier, “Arianespace Orders 10 More Soyuz Rockets to Launch from Guiana,” Parabolic<br />

Arc, 21 June 2010 (citing Roscosmos press release), online: www.parabolicarc.com/2010/06/21/<br />

arianespace-orders-10-additional-soyuz-launch-guiana.<br />

168 Kazinform, “Majilis Ratied Agreement between Kazakhstan and Russia on Baikonur Complex,”<br />

3 March 2010, online: www.inform.kz/eng/article/2244357.<br />

169 <strong>Space</strong> Daily, “Kazakhstan Finally Raties Baikonur Rental Deal with Russia,” 12 April 2010,<br />

online: www.spacedaily.com/reports/Kazakhstan_Finally_Raties_Baikonur_Rental_Deal_With_<br />


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