Brand Relevance: Making Competitors Irrelevant - always yours

Brand Relevance: Making Competitors Irrelevant - always yours

Brand Relevance: Making Competitors Irrelevant - always yours


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into a sustainable position by actively managing perceptions of<br />

the new product category or subcategory and asserting a dominant<br />

position of the brand in the new arena. That requires not<br />

only resources and recognition of the expanded brand - building<br />

task but also organizational will and competence in brand<br />

building.<br />

Another option is to be a trend responder, a fi rm that is a<br />

fast follower rather than leader. Such fi rms track trends and<br />

events, evaluate their future impact, and create response strategies<br />

to deal with relevance challenges. In some cases they<br />

can enter and take over an emerging category or subcategory.<br />

However, trend responders are usually playing defense. They are<br />

keeping up so that they can take action to avoid irrelevance.<br />

Chapter Ten details trend responder strategies.<br />

There is a third organization type that can be labeled as<br />

the “ trend unaware. ” These firms are simply unaware of market<br />

trends and risk waking up surprised to fi nd its brands are no longer<br />

relevant. The trend unaware often have inadequate external<br />

sensing systems, executives who are not market driven, organizational<br />

infl exibility, or an excessive focus on strategies that have<br />

worked well in the past. There are actually two types of trend -<br />

unaware fi rms. One is a “ turn - the - crank ” fi rm that simply does<br />

this year what was done last year. The other is the “ committed ”<br />

fi rm that has a single - minded focus on a business strategy and<br />

continually improves its competitive position by enhancing the<br />

value proposition, reducing costs, refusing to be diverted by market<br />

dynamics.<br />

The Payoff<br />

If you can create or own a new business arena in which your<br />

competitors are not relevant, as did iPod, Cirque du Soleil,<br />

Prius, Asahi Super Dry, and eBay, then you have the potential<br />

to make exceptional returns, sometimes for many years. Richard<br />

Rumelt, the UCLA strategy guru, talked about how the most

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