47. Pakistan Economic Survey 2011-12 - Consultancy Services in ...

47. Pakistan Economic Survey 2011-12 - Consultancy Services in ...

47. Pakistan Economic Survey 2011-12 - Consultancy Services in ...


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Executive SummaryKarachi to Lahore. Commercial management ofrail operations and outsourc<strong>in</strong>g of non-corefunctions is be<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>itiated with an aim to improveefficiency of rail operations. Private Sector is alsorunn<strong>in</strong>g a passenger tra<strong>in</strong>.Dur<strong>in</strong>g the f<strong>in</strong>ancial year, 16 kms of track wasrehabilitated on the <strong>Pakistan</strong> Railways networkbesides doubl<strong>in</strong>g the previous 15 kms of track.Construction of a D Class railway station at newMultan City, renovation of Khudian Khas,Usmanwala, Raiw<strong>in</strong>d and Kanganpur railwaystations was carried out. Signal<strong>in</strong>g system of fourrailway stations damaged dur<strong>in</strong>g the riots of 2007was rehabilitated dur<strong>in</strong>g the period. Dur<strong>in</strong>gFebruary 20<strong>12</strong>, 52 new design passenger coacheswere imported from Ch<strong>in</strong>a. Rema<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g 150passenger coaches will be manufactured at<strong>Pakistan</strong> Railway Carriage Factory Islamabad byJune 30, 2013. In addition, 22 passenger coacheshave been rehabilitated at the <strong>Pakistan</strong> RailwayCarriage Factory Islamabad dur<strong>in</strong>g the last year. Anew dry port was set up at Prem Nagar nearRaiw<strong>in</strong>d <strong>in</strong>dustrial area, Lahore through publicprivatepartnership.Teledensity <strong>in</strong> the country has <strong>in</strong>creased by 68.3percent <strong>in</strong> April 20<strong>12</strong>, show<strong>in</strong>g 6.7 percent growthas compared to the previous year. Mobilepenetration rose to 64.9 percent <strong>in</strong> <strong>2011</strong>-<strong>12</strong> aga<strong>in</strong>st60.4 percent <strong>in</strong> 2010-11. Fixed Local Loopteledensity now stands at 1.93 percent. Totalmobile subscribers has reached 118.3 million bythe end of March 20<strong>12</strong>. Subscribers of Local Loop(FLL + WLL) are 5.9 million, out of which 3.10million belong to FLL and 2.8 million belong toWLL. Broadband subscribers reached 1.9 millionat the end of February 20<strong>12</strong>.There has been a cumulative <strong>in</strong>vestment ofapproximately US$ 2.5 billion <strong>in</strong> the electronicmedia <strong>in</strong>dustry <strong>in</strong> <strong>Pakistan</strong>. More than 200,000new jobs with diversified skills and qualificationshave been provided. Additionally, over 7 millionpeople have been accommodated through <strong>in</strong>directemployment. With the current growth rate of morethan seven percent per annum <strong>in</strong> this sector, it isestimated that the cumulative <strong>in</strong>vestment <strong>in</strong> theelectronic media <strong>in</strong>dustry will reach above $ 3.0billion by the end of the current f<strong>in</strong>ancial year.Energy: Energy is considered to be the lifel<strong>in</strong>e ofeconomic development. <strong>Pakistan</strong>’s economy hasbeen grow<strong>in</strong>g at an average growth rate of almost 3percent for the last four years and demand ofenergy both at the production and consumer end is<strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g rapidly. The Energy Committee headedby the F<strong>in</strong>ance M<strong>in</strong>ister presented a wellarticulated Energy Recovery Plan to the Cab<strong>in</strong>et <strong>in</strong>November <strong>2011</strong> which was approved after duedeliberations.The Plan focused on: (i) improv<strong>in</strong>g governancestructure: it <strong>in</strong>cluded dissolution of PEPCO andreplaced by Central Power Purchase Authority,constitut<strong>in</strong>g new Boards of Directors (BODs) of 8DISCOs and NTDC compris<strong>in</strong>g professionals,issuance of explicit guidel<strong>in</strong>es of professionaliz<strong>in</strong>gthe BOD, hir<strong>in</strong>g professional CEOs for DISCOs,GENCOs and CPPA, and bus<strong>in</strong>ess plans for eachDISCO and GENCO to be developed by the newlyhired CEO and approved by the new Board; (ii)Supportive legislative framework: NEPRA lawwas amended authoriz<strong>in</strong>g NEPRA to notify fueladjustment, Cab<strong>in</strong>et has approved amendmentmak<strong>in</strong>g electricity theft a serious crime; (iii)F<strong>in</strong>ancial Susta<strong>in</strong>ability of the System: theGovernment has <strong>in</strong>creased electricity tariff by 90percent and Rs. 1.25 per kwh very recently torecover the full cost of electricity supply which isstill Rs. 3 per kwh below the determ<strong>in</strong>ed tariff; (iv)Resolution of Circular Debt: the Government hasprovided Rs. 1<strong>12</strong>2 billion from the budget dur<strong>in</strong>gthe last four years to resolve circular debt issue.However, extremely low collection than required(90 percent of the billed amount) by DISCOsalways leaves a high balance as receivables; (v)Supply Side Management: reduction <strong>in</strong>transmission and distribution losses as well asrunn<strong>in</strong>g the most efficient plants; (vi) DemandSide Management: Standard Operat<strong>in</strong>g Procedure(SOP) issued for recovery of private receivables, alimit of 45 days for payment overdue has been setfor disconnection, Loss mapp<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> each DISCO<strong>in</strong>itiated to identify losses and their sources,Government facilitat<strong>in</strong>g recovery of dues ofProv<strong>in</strong>cial and Federal Government departments,and Media campaign for prudent use of electricity;(vii) Promot<strong>in</strong>g Private Sector Participation (viii)chang<strong>in</strong>g fuel mix and (ix) chang<strong>in</strong>g energy mixmov<strong>in</strong>g towards hydel and coal based generation.In addition, the Government has launched a majorvii

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