Sustainability Planning and Monitoring

Sustainability Planning and Monitoring

Sustainability Planning and Monitoring

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PARTICIPATORY TOOLS USED IN THE MPA6.10 Hundred seedsWomen in Sulawesi assessing distribution of financial responsibility for water supply <strong>and</strong> sanitationwithin households, IndonesiaPurpose“A hundred seeds” is a tool to obtain anapproximate percentage distribution of anyconcept; in this case, sharing of earning <strong>and</strong>financial responsibility within households.ProcessThe hundred seeds activity gives insight into whocarries the burden of paying for (or otherwisecontributing to) improvements in water, sanitation<strong>and</strong> hygiene, men or women or both, <strong>and</strong> fromwhat resources. For this purpose, each focus group(male, female, rich, <strong>and</strong> poor) is given 100 seeds.The seeds are assumed to constitute the totalincome of women <strong>and</strong> men in the typicalhousehold in the area.Participants group the seeds or “money” into thepercentages each member of the household (father,mother, older son, older daughter etc.) earns incash or the value of in-kind earnings.The number of seeds in each pile constitutes thepercentage of the total household incomecontributed.The group then lists the type of financingresponsibilities each earner has in the household<strong>and</strong> divides each pile into the proportion that eachperson uses for these purposes <strong>and</strong> for personalobjectives. Payments for water, sanitation, <strong>and</strong>hygiene are identified among those made for thefamily.Having divided the seeds per earner into piles <strong>and</strong>transferred the numbers onto the slips representingthe extent of their financial responsibility, the groupthen judges whether women in the familycontribute relatively more or less to water,sanitation <strong>and</strong> hygiene than men, or whether thepayments <strong>and</strong> responsibilities are in proportionto the levels of earning of the family membersconcerned. Having come to a conclusion, thegroup scores the results in terms of the extent of84

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