Sustainability Planning and Monitoring

Sustainability Planning and Monitoring

Sustainability Planning and Monitoring

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ADDING ACCOUNTABILITY FOR GENDER EQUITY AND SOCIAL INCLUSIONvillage <strong>and</strong> sub-district facilitators <strong>and</strong> their districtlevel supervisors, <strong>and</strong> b) KDP 2 project manualson proposal formulation, verification <strong>and</strong> finalselection criteria. In late 2002 project trainingbecame operational.2.1 Lessons learned in KDP 22.1.1 Capacity building for the MPA<strong>and</strong> PRA ToolsThere is capacity <strong>and</strong> readiness among the villagefacilitators of KDP 42 to use the selectedparticipatory tools. The trainees demonstratedhigh levels of enthusiasm for using them at thecommunity level, but stressed the importance offield practice for building skill <strong>and</strong> self-confidence.Accordingly, at least two days of field practice arenow included in the seven-day training programdesigned for KDP 2 village facilitators.Village facilitators need additional sensitivity <strong>and</strong>skills building in analysing gender issues in localcultures <strong>and</strong> dealing with them in culturallyacceptable ways. All participants demonstrateda lack of gender analysis skills <strong>and</strong> ability toaddress gender issues. Some gender training wasprovided during KDP 1, which could bestrengthened by linking it in a practical mannerwith the community level facilitation tasks <strong>and</strong> thefacilitators’ own community experiences. Gendertargeting would also benefit from an increase inthe number of female facilitators at village <strong>and</strong>sub-district levels. Efforts are currently ongoing toachieve this objective in KDP 2.The field test experience suggested somerevisions in the criteria for the selection of villagefacilitators. Empowering methodologies call forfacilitators with listening skills <strong>and</strong> openness tolearning. Criteria used during KDP 1 emphasized“speaking skills” <strong>and</strong> “ability to impartinformation”, which can lead to the selection ofthose who comm<strong>and</strong> respect. Such people areused to providing direction <strong>and</strong> advice inIndonesian communities, <strong>and</strong> are ill-at-ease inlistening <strong>and</strong> learning-facilitation roles. Duringthe training pilot, a few facilitators who happenedto be figures of authority in communitiesdemonstrated low capacity <strong>and</strong> interest to workin a participatory learning mode.The participatory nature of the training,modeled after the approach to be used incommunities was appreciated, with manyparticipants commenting during evaluation thatthey enjoyed the “relaxed” nature of thelearning. Facilitator training programs need toexemplify the desired kind of facilitation forbetter skill development.2.1.2 Community use of the toolsduring field testThe high level of enthusiasm shown by thecommunity, , both men <strong>and</strong> women demonstratedtheir interest in working with the selected tools.Their ability to grasp the concepts <strong>and</strong> purpose ofthe tools was encouragingly high even thoughunderst<strong>and</strong>ing depends on the presentation style<strong>and</strong> information provided by the facilitators. Itrequired approximately two hours per tool to makesure that information emerging from a communitygroup is relevant <strong>and</strong> of good quality. This wasnot seen as a constraint if group sessions werescheduled at the convenience of communitymembers.42 KDP’s village facilitators are residents of the village where they work <strong>and</strong> are to be chosen by the villagers.They are expected to have at least middle-school level education <strong>and</strong> “good communication skills.” KDP 1 didnot formally provide them with facilitation training but KDP 2 does.117

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