Sustainability Planning and Monitoring

Sustainability Planning and Monitoring

Sustainability Planning and Monitoring

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ADDING ACCOUNTABILITY FOR GENDER EQUITY AND SOCIAL INCLUSIONprojects have become the responsibility of multiplestakeholders at national, provincial <strong>and</strong> districtlevels, issues of capacity now extend frompolicymaking to administration at sub-nationallevels <strong>and</strong> communities.Participatory evaluations have shown that pastwater supply <strong>and</strong> sanitation interventionssupported by aid agencies in Indonesia have oftendone poorly in terms of ensuring equity of accessfor the poor or women in the community, toempowering interventions. Moreover, communitywater supply systems that have been evaluatedtended to have fairly adequate technical quality,but community management <strong>and</strong> financing of theiroperation <strong>and</strong> maintenance were ofteninadequate, putting longer-term sustainability atrisk. 38 At the same time, empirical evidence froma worldwide study has shown the sustainability ofwater-sanitation services to have positiverelationships with gender <strong>and</strong> social equity incommunity empowerment. 391.1. Gender <strong>and</strong> povertymainstreaming in two newprojectsTwo projects starting in Indonesia in 2001 offeredideal opportunities to build on the knowledgegained to date, by addressing social <strong>and</strong> genderequity <strong>and</strong> sustainability concerns in infrastructureinvestments in concretely verifiable ways, <strong>and</strong>building those mechanisms into local governancestructures <strong>and</strong> systems. To this end, a GENFUNDgrant was used by WSP-EAP during 2001-02 tosupport gender- <strong>and</strong> poverty-mainstreaming in twoWorld Bank supported infrastructure developmentprojects. This paper explains what interventionswere made <strong>and</strong> what was learned in the processof institutionalizing them. Whether or not the MPAbasedinterventions make a difference to projectoutcomes will be monitored periodically during2003-05 <strong>and</strong> evaluated near the end of projectsin 2006-07.The second Kecamatan Development Program(KDP 2, a multi-sector intervention) <strong>and</strong> the secondWater <strong>and</strong> Sanitation for Low Income CommunitiesProject (WSLIC 2, a health sector project) both aimto improve basic infrastructure in poor villagessimultaneously with community empowerment <strong>and</strong>improvement of local governance, using acommunity dem<strong>and</strong>-driven approach. WSLIC 2plans to reach at least two million people in 2000villages of seven provinces between 2001 -2008while KDP 2 will use a similar approach to reachan estimated 20-30 million people in twentyprovinces in four <strong>and</strong> a half years starting in 2002.Together they constitute nearly $530 million incredit <strong>and</strong> grant funds, although water <strong>and</strong>sanitation will likely comprise only a part of theKDP 2 project, the actual outlay being determinedby community dem<strong>and</strong>.The objectives of this gender <strong>and</strong> povertymainstreaming initiative were:1. Developing <strong>and</strong> testing the use of verifiableindicators <strong>and</strong> tools for gender equity <strong>and</strong>social inclusion (poverty-targeting) withincommunities in the community level planningprocess for the multi sectoral SecondKecamatan Development Program (KDP 2);<strong>and</strong>2. Developing <strong>and</strong> operationalizing a gender-38 Reports available from www.wsp.org of WSP-EAP’s evaluation of community-based components of UNICEFIndonesia’s WES programme (Local Voices Heard), West Nusa Tenggara ESWS Project <strong>and</strong> Flores WSSprojects supported by AusAID, RWSS project supported by ADB, (1997-99).39 Linking <strong>Sustainability</strong> with Dem<strong>and</strong>, Gender <strong>and</strong> Poverty: A Study in Community-Managed Water SupplyProjects in 15 Countries; Gross, B., van Wijk, C. <strong>and</strong> Mukherjee, N. Water <strong>and</strong> Sanitation Program <strong>and</strong> IRCInternational Water <strong>and</strong> Sanitation Centre, (2001).112

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