Sustainability Planning and Monitoring

Sustainability Planning and Monitoring

Sustainability Planning and Monitoring

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Table 3 (continued) ADDING PERFORMANCE ACCOUNTABILITY MONITORING FOR GENDER AND EVALUATION EQUITY AND INDICATORS SOCIAL INCLUSIONFOR PROJECT DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES(Excerpts from Table 7a: Project Implementation Plan, WSLIC 2)PLANNING PHASE (Note: M/W, , R/P = Men <strong>and</strong> Women, Rich <strong>and</strong> Poor)ProjectDevelopment Input Indicators Outcome IndicatorsObjectivesMPAVariablesIndicators <strong>and</strong> Sub-indicators to Assess2.Developingsustainability<strong>and</strong>effectivenessthroughcommunityparticipation●●●Number of communitymembers participating inproject activities isbalanced in terms ofgender <strong>and</strong> class.PHAST process isconducted.CFT D is in place <strong>and</strong>●For the system chosen,the community (M/W,R/P) underst<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong>agrees on level/qualityof service expected,maintenanceimplications, design life<strong>and</strong> coverage as perEquity insharingburdens <strong>and</strong>benefitsExtent of underst<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>and</strong> agreement ofcommunity M/W, , R/P regarding: CAP contents (system type, level of service,community cash/in kind contributions, water tariffs,hygiene behavior improvements plan, O&Marrangements <strong>and</strong> Training plan). Criteria for trainee selection, considering equityof opportunity <strong>and</strong> sustainability of services.●functioning.<strong>Monitoring</strong> plan isdeveloped.●design.Community formallyComposition <strong>and</strong> functioning of VITs reflect gender<strong>and</strong> social equity principles (CFT task).●●System option is chosen bycommunity.Community agreement toagrees to providecontributions accordingto CAP schedule.Extent of community control of financing <strong>and</strong>implementation, by M/W, R/P.provide share is in CAP.●Community agreement topay O&M is in CAP.●Community members (M/W, R/P) participating inPHAST.3.Improvinghealthbehavior <strong>and</strong>healthservices ofcommunities●●●●Health CF is in place.Teachers are trained inPHAST <strong>and</strong> school healthprogram.VIT E health is trained inPHAST.Sanitarians are trained inPHAST.●●●PHAST sessions areproperly sequenced incommunity meetings <strong>and</strong>in schools.Community classifies itsown good <strong>and</strong> badhealth behaviors.Community identifies keyParticipationin serviceestablishmentExtent of community voice <strong>and</strong> choice in planning<strong>and</strong> design of hygiene <strong>and</strong> sanitation program:Decision making by M/W, R/P on: Key behavior changes needed in the community. How behavior changes will be promoted <strong>and</strong>monitored. Type of special health program to be taught inschool linked to key behavioral changes identified.●<strong>Planning</strong> for behaviorbehavioral changeschange as part of CAPneeded to improvepreparation.health <strong>and</strong> QOL F.●Teachers underst<strong>and</strong>how to conduct HSP.●Sanitarian <strong>and</strong> VITunderst<strong>and</strong> how to usePHAST for HSP G .●CAP includes behaviorchange activities plan,<strong>and</strong> behavior changemonitoring indicatorslocally decided.DCFT : Community Facilitator TeamEVIT : Village Implementation TeamFQOL : Quality of Life GHSP : Hygiene & Sanitation Promotion125

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