Sustainability Planning and Monitoring

Sustainability Planning and Monitoring

Sustainability Planning and Monitoring

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ORGANIZING AND INTERPRETING THE DATASupplementing non-parametric tests of associationwith qualitative explorations of communityperceptions of causality can provide projectmanagers with sufficient insights for action. Tocite an example from the global study, bettergender balance in the village water <strong>and</strong> sanitationcommittees was found to be significantly associatedwith higher overall sustainability scores. Qualitativedata from focus groups explained that whencommunity service management organizations aregender-balanced, more management training cango to women, enabling them to exert greaterinfluence on service management, thus makingthe water service more responsive to their dem<strong>and</strong>s<strong>and</strong> therefore more satisfying to the principal users(who are usually women in the community).Satisfied users value the service <strong>and</strong> therefore tendto pay user fees regularly, thus improving theadequacy of financing, which makes the servicemore sustainable .It can also be investigated if such relationshipscontinue to hold when controlling for otherpossible influencing factors, e.g., the level ofdevelopment in the communities concerned orthe complexity <strong>and</strong> age of the installed systems.Through building a model, it is possible to seewhich factors are most crucial in obtaining thedesired results. However, such analyses can onlybe done when the sample <strong>and</strong> data meet certainrequirements (see any methodological orguidebook on statistical analysis in the socialsciences).Insight through statistical analysis is attractive forprogram managers, policymakers <strong>and</strong>researchers. It requires the presence of asociologist, economist or statistician experiencedin the use of non-parametric statistics at theprogram level. Her or his main functions are tosupervise data entry, analyze frequencies <strong>and</strong>cross-tabulations, decide on the statistical test(s),test the strengths of the associations amongindividual influencing factors, <strong>and</strong> between thosefactors <strong>and</strong> the achieved results in terms of howservices are sustained <strong>and</strong> used.61

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