Sustainability Planning and Monitoring

Sustainability Planning and Monitoring

Sustainability Planning and Monitoring

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ADDING ACCOUNTABILITY FOR GENDER EQUITY AND SOCIAL INCLUSIONend of training the facilitators evaluated theproposed new tools in the light of their communitywork experience in KDP 1. They said that theproposed tools:●●●enabled more democratic decision making atsub-village <strong>and</strong> village levels;provided proof of local poverty conditions, fromboth men’s <strong>and</strong> women’s perspectives, to useas the basis for proposal selection <strong>and</strong>formulation;reduced the potential for conflict between●●●●different habitations (dusuns) <strong>and</strong> within thecommunity, by making the process transparent;simplified monitoring of implementation, forboth the community <strong>and</strong> outsiders;made the village facilitators’ work easier <strong>and</strong>more effective;helped sub-district facilitators to supervise <strong>and</strong>assess success of the program;required at least two days of field practice todevelop basic skills for application, <strong>and</strong>therefore KDP 2 facilitator training programsshould provide for the same.c. Adding transparency <strong>and</strong>verifiability for gender- <strong>and</strong>poverty-sensitivity in communityprocessesThe following ways were worked out by thenational technical assistance providing consultantsfor KDP 2, in consultation with the trainees:●●●Visual outputs from the tools (welfareclassification criteria, social <strong>and</strong> poverty map,causal diagram of poverty, prioritization,<strong>and</strong> voting results for proposal selection) willbecome the means of monitoring whetherthe KDP 2 village level process has beensufficiently gender-responsive <strong>and</strong> povertysensitive.These outputs will be required attachmentsto village proposals submitted for funding atthe sub-district forum. They will serve as themeans to evaluate proposals in terms of theirresponsiveness to root causes of local poverty<strong>and</strong> responsiveness to the voices of bothwomen <strong>and</strong> men in decision making.Selected visual outputs from approvedproposals will be permanently displayed in thevillage to serve as public monitoring tools forall villagers can track progress of projectinterventions.Training of KDP 2 village facilitators in gender–<strong>and</strong>poverty–sensitive process facilitationThe process, tools, <strong>and</strong> indicators are nowincorporated in: a) KDP 2 training programs for114

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