The numismatic chronicle and journal of the Royal ... - IndianCoins.org

The numismatic chronicle and journal of the Royal ... - IndianCoins.org

The numismatic chronicle and journal of the Royal ... - IndianCoins.org


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GREEK COINS ACQUIRED BY BRITISH MUSEUM. 21AA4>AAKAIAAAANKybele, wearing polos, seated on 1. throne,beside which is a small lion seated 1. ;her 1.elbow rests on tympanum in her r. she;holds phiale. Border <strong>of</strong> dots.JE. f 25-5 mm. Wt. 149-8 grains (9-71 grammes).[PI. II. 18.] Presented by Mr. W. H. Buckler.Quasi-autonomouscoins <strong>of</strong> DaldisKaio-apfcav Aa\Siava>v) struck by <strong>the</strong> same magistrate(Ti. $\avtos "TXay) in <strong>the</strong> Flavian period, when <strong>the</strong>coinage begins, have long been known ;39but thisisapparently <strong>the</strong> first to be published with <strong>the</strong> portrait<strong>of</strong> Vespasian himselfḢierocaesarea.Obv. Q0A Pfl MH Bust <strong>of</strong> Roma r., wearingcrested helmet, cuirass, <strong>and</strong> mantle ;in front,sceptre.Border <strong>of</strong> dots.jta,.-.QTTAPTMIAnPO VAPXIPOKAICAP<strong>and</strong> in inner arc on 1.,UN Artemis huntressiv, with bow in 1., drawing arrow from quiverwith r., accompanied by hound. Border <strong>of</strong>dots.M. gilt^ 26-5 mm. Wt. 128-6 grains (8-33grammes). [PI. II. 19.]Of <strong>the</strong> time <strong>of</strong> Commodus, since coins <strong>of</strong> that emperor<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> Crispina exist with <strong>the</strong> name <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> samearchon. 40 <strong>The</strong> Roma type appears to be new for thismint, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> sceptre attribute is also unusual.PHEYGIA.Temenothyrae.Obv. OAVTKAIMIOVA

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