The numismatic chronicle and journal of the Royal ... - IndianCoins.org

The numismatic chronicle and journal of the Royal ... - IndianCoins.org

The numismatic chronicle and journal of the Royal ... - IndianCoins.org


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10 LIST OF FELLOWS.ELRCTED1905 MILLER, HENRY CLAY, ESQ., 35 Broad Street, New York,U.S.A.1897 MILNE, J. GRAFTON, ESQ., M.A., Bankside, Goldhill, Farnham,Surrey, Foreign Secretary.1910 MITCHELL LIBRARY, THE, Glasgow, F. T. Barrett, Esq.,Librarian.1898 *MONCKTON, HORACE W., ESQ., F.L.S., F.G.S., 3 HarcourtBuildings, Temple, E.G. 4, <strong>and</strong> Whitecairn, WellingtonCollege Station, Berks.1888 MONTAGUE, LIEUT.-COL. L. A. D., Penton, near Crediton,Devon.1905 MOORE, WILLIAM HENRY, ESQ. (address not known).1879 MORRIESON, LIEUT.-COL. H. WALTERS, R.A., F.S.A., 42 BeaufortGardens, S.W. 3, Hon. Secretary.1904 MOULD, RICHARD W., ESQ., Newington Public Library,Walworth Road, S.E. 17.1916 MYLNE, EVERARD, ESQ., Colet House, Rhyl, N. Wales.1900 *MYLNE, REV. ROBERT SCOTT, M.A., B.C.L., F.S.A., F.R.S.E.,Great Amwell, Herts.1909 NAGG, STEPHEN K., ESQ., 1621 Master Street, Philadelphia,U.S.A.1893 tNAPiER, PROF. A. S., M.A.,D.Litt.,Ph.D.,F.B.A., HeadingtonHill, Oxford.1905 NATHAN, SIDNEY, ESQ., M.D., 11 Bolton Gardens, S.W. 10.1910 NESMITH, THOMAS, ESQ., c/o J. Munro & Co., 7 Rue Scribe,Paris.1905 NEWALL, HUGH FRANK, ESQ., M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S., MadingleyRise, Cambridge.1906 NEWBERRY LIBRARY, Chicago, U.S.A.1915 NEWCASTLE, THE LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SO-CIETY OF, Newcastle-on-Tyne.1905 *NEWELL, E. T., ESQ., Box 321, Madfson Square, New York,U.S.A.1904 NORTHUMBERLAND, DUKE OF, E.G., P.C., LL.D., D.C.L.,F.R.S., 2 Grosvenor Place, S.W. 1.1898 OGDEN, W. SHARP, ESQ., F.S.A., Naseby, East End Road,Finchley,N. 3.1916 OGLE, CHRISTOPHER, ESQ., <strong>The</strong> Beeches, Burgh Heath,Surrey.1897 *0'HAGAN, HENRY OSBORNE, ESQ., Riverhome, HamptonCourt.

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