Abstracts Brochure - CERN

Abstracts Brochure - CERN

Abstracts Brochure - CERN


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Contents<br />

WEPCH065 Lattices for High-power Proton Beam Acceleration and Secondary Beam Collection, Cooling,<br />

and Deceleration 290<br />

WEPCH066 Space Charge Tune Shift and Quantum Lifetime 290<br />

WEPCH067 Implementation of TPSA in the Mathematica Code LieMath 291<br />

WEPCH068 6-D Transmission in Muon and Electron Linear FFAGs 291<br />

WEPCH069 Optimization of Beam Injection Using Higher Order Modes Signal into the First Accelerating<br />

Module at the TTF Linac 291<br />

WEPCH070 Performances of the SOLEIL Operating Point in the Presence of Real Magnet Characteristics 291<br />

WEPCH072 The High Order Non-linear Beam Dynamics in High Energy Storage Ring of FAIR 292<br />

WEPCH073 Asymptotic Analysis of Ultra-relativistic Charge 292<br />

WEPCH074 Progress with Non-linear Beam Dynamic Studies of the Diamond Storage Ring 293<br />

WEPCH075 Effect of Insertion Devices on Beam Dynamics of the Diamond Storage Ring Using Kick Maps 293<br />

WEPCH076 Renormalization Group Reduction of the Frobenius-Perron Operator 293<br />

WEPCH077 Particle Tracking in a Sextupole Field Using the Euler Method Approximation 293<br />

WEPCH078 Measurement of Wake Effects by Means of Tune Shift in the KEKB Low Energy Ring 294<br />

WEPCH079 Effects of Intrinsic Nonlinear Fields in the J-PARC RCS 294<br />

WEPCH080 Beam Simulation of SQQ Injection System in KIRAMS-30 Cyclotron 294<br />

WEPCH081 External Injection into Cyclotron by Means of Solenoid 294<br />

WEPCH082 Simulation of Ions Acceleration and Extraction in Cyclotron C400 295<br />

WEPCH083 New Vortices in Axisymmetric Beams in Periodic Magnetic Field 295<br />

WEPCH084 Non Steady Acceleration in High Current Racetrack Microtron 295<br />

WEPCH085 Algorithms for Chromatic Sextupole Optimization and Dynamic Aperture Increase 296<br />

WEPCH086 Adiabatic Theory of Slow Extraction from Synchrotron 296<br />

WEPCH087 Normal Form for Beam Physics in Matrix Representation 296<br />

WEPCH088 High Order Aberration Correction 297<br />

WEPCH089 On Optimization of Charged Particle Dynamics in Discrete Systems 297<br />

WEPCH090 The Models of Beam Dynamics Optimization in RFQ Structures 297<br />

WEPCH091 On a Problem of Beam Dynamics Optimization 297<br />

WEPCH092 Dynamical Aperture Studies for the <strong>CERN</strong> LHC: Comparison between Statistical<br />

Assignment of Magnetic Field Errors and Actual Measured Field Errors 298<br />

WEPCH093 Parameter Scans and Accuracy Estimates of the Dynamical Aperture of the <strong>CERN</strong> LHC 298<br />

WEPCH094 An Early Beam Separation Scheme for the LHC 298<br />

WEPCH095 Models to Study Multi-bunch Coupling through Head-on and Long-range Beam-beam Interactions 299<br />

WEPCH096 Measurement and Correction of the 3rd Order Resonance in the Tevatron 299<br />

WEPCH097 Beam Dynamics in Compton-ring Gamma Sources 299<br />

WEPCH098 Dynamics of an Electron in the Field of the Stationary Plane Light Wave 300<br />

WEPCH099 3D Magnetic Field Effects in a NSC KIPT Compact Intense X-ray Generator 300<br />

WEPCH100 Application of the Lie-transform Perturbation Theory for the TBT Data Analysis 300<br />

WEPCH101 Ion Motion in the Adiabatic Focuser 300<br />

WEPCH102 Studies of the Nonlinear Dynamics Effects of APPLE-II Type EPUs at the ALS 301<br />

WEPCH103 Ion Effects in the Electron Damping Ring of the International Linear Collider 301<br />

WEPCH104 Observation of the Long-range Beam-beam Effect in RHIC and Plans for Compensation 301<br />

WEPCH105 Semi-Lagrangian Beam Dynamics Technique for the Simulation of the Propagation of<br />

Intense Charged Particle Beams in 2D Channels 302<br />

WEPCH106 Electron Transport in AIRIX Using the TRAJENV Code 302<br />

WEPCH107 Contributors to AIRIX Focal Spot Size 302<br />

22 Contents

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