Abstracts Brochure - CERN

Abstracts Brochure - CERN

Abstracts Brochure - CERN


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TUPLS — Poster Session 27-Jun-06 16:00 - 18:00<br />

Extraction System Design for the BSNS/RCS<br />

The BSNS extraction system takes one of the<br />

four dispersion-free straight sections. Five<br />

vertical kickers and one Lambertson septum<br />

magnet are used for the one-turn extraction.<br />

J. Tang, Y.L. Chi, Y.L. Jiang, W. Kang, J.B. Pang, Q. Qin, S. Wang, W.<br />

Wang (IHEP Beijing) J. Wei (BNL)<br />

The rise time of less than 250 ns and the total kicking angle of 20 mrad are required for the kickers that are grouped<br />

into two tanks. The design for the kicker magnets and the PFN is also given. To reduce the low beam loss in the<br />

extraction channels due to the large halo emittance, large apertures are used for both the kickers and septum. Stray<br />

magnetic field inside and at the two ends of the circulating path of the Lambertson magnet and its effect on the beam<br />

have been studied.<br />

Beam Transport Lines for the BSNS<br />

This paper presents the design of two beam<br />

transport lines at the BSNS: one is the injec- J. Tang, G.H. Wei (IHEP Beijing)<br />

tion line from the Linac to the RCS and the<br />

other is the target line from the RCS to the target station. In the injection line, transverse halo collimation, momentum<br />

tail collimation and debunching are the main concerned topics. Triplet cells and stripping foils are used to collimate<br />

transverse halo. Long straight section is reserved for future upgrading of the Linac and debuncher. In the target line,<br />

large halo emittance, beam stability at the target due to kicker failures and beam jitters, shielding of back-scattering<br />

neutrons from the target are the main topics.<br />

Injection System Design for the BSNS/RCS<br />

The BSNS injection system is designed to take<br />

one uninterrupted long drift in one of the<br />

four dispersion-free straight sections to host<br />

all the injection devices. Painting bumper<br />

J. Tang, Y.L. Jiang, W. Kang, J.B. Pang, Q. Qin, J. Qiu, L. Shen, S.<br />

Wang (IHEP Beijing) J. Wei (BNL)<br />

magnets are used for both horizontal and vertical phase space painting. Closed-orbit bumper magnets are used for<br />

facilitating the installation of the injection septa and decreasing proton traversal in the stripping foil. Even large beam<br />

emittance of about 300 pmm.mrad is used, BSNS/RCS still approaches the space charge limit during the injection/<br />

trapping phase for the accumulated particles of 1.9*10 13 and low injection energy of 80 MeV. Good painting scheme<br />

is also required to obtain uniform beam distribution to decrease the tune shift/spread. ORBIT code is used for the<br />

3D simulations.<br />

Design Study of the Axial Injection System of C400 Cyclotron<br />

Computer modeling results on the axial injection<br />

system design are given. Results of<br />

simulations of the Carbon, Hydrogen and<br />

Helium ion beam injection are presented.<br />

V. Shevtsov, V. Aleksandrov, Yu. Kazarinov (JINR) Y. Jongen, D.<br />

Vandeplassche (IBA)<br />

255<br />

TUPLS116<br />

TUPLS117<br />

TUPLS118<br />


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