The art and architecture of India - Buddhist, Hindu, Jain (Art Ebook)

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in number, from the paradise of Indra to the highest

heaven of Brahma.

Devald. A divinity.

Devi. Consort of Siva in her benevolent form.

Dhdrdni. A magical prayer or collection of mystic

syllables for casting spells in Vajrayana Buddhism.

Dharmacakra. The Wheel of the Law, emblem of the

Buddhist Dharma or Law, derived from an ancient

solar symbol and intended to suggest domination of


by the Buddha's Law, as the sun dominates all

space and time.

Dharmacakra mudrd. Gesture of teaching or turning

the Wheel of the Law. The right hand is held before

the chest with the tips of the thumb and index finger

joined to touch one of the fingers of the left hand,

which is turned palm inwards.

Dharmakdya. In the Trikaya doctrine the abstract

body of the Law, conceived as an invisible essence

permeating and animating the Universe.

Dhdtu. Relics.

Dhoti. A skirt such as is worn by modern Hindus.

Dhydna. Yoga meditation; visualization of a mental


Dhydna Buddha. One of the Buddhas of the Four

Directions and the Zenith in Mahayana Buddhism.

Dhydna mudrd. Gesture or pose of meditation. The

hands rest in the lap, the right above the left with all

fingers extended.

Dohada. Longing of budding plants for the touch of

foot or mouth, used to describe the quickening embrace

of a yakshi and her tree and the motif of the

woman-and-tree itself.

Drdvida. Southern or Dravidian style of architecture.

Durgd. Consort of Siva in her terrible form.

Dvdrapdla. Door guardian.

Gaja. Elephant.

Gajasimha. Monster; part lion, part elephant.

Ganas. Demigods, attendants of Siva, usually represented

as obese dwarfs.

Gandhdrvas. Divinities of the sky and air, the musicians

of the gods.

Gahgd. Goddess of the River Ganges.

Garbhagriha. Sanctuary, inner room of a temple.

Garuda. Mythical sunbird; part man, part bird; the

emblem and vehicle of Visnu.

Gavaksa. A blind window or niche in the shape of the

chaitya-arch, used as an antefix on sikhara towers

and on the cornices of Vesara temples.

Ghats. Mountains, or steps on a river bank as on the

Ganges at Benares.

Gopis. Milkmaids, the special loves of Visnu.

Gopuras. Towers surmounting gates of South Indian

temple enclosures.

Guna. Chief property or characteristic of all created

things ;

goodness, passion, and darkness.

Guru. A spiritual preceptor who initiates a Brahmin

youth prior to his investiture.

Harhsa. Goose, emblem of Brahma, and in Buddhism

of the flight of Buddhist doctrine to all realms.

Harmtkd. Pavilion. Railed balcony surmounting dome

of stupa.

Htnaydna. Small vehicle. Early Buddhism with emphasis

on the doctrine, rather than on the worship of

the Buddha.

Js'vara. Supreme deity, lord.

Jagamohan. In Orissan architecture an enclosed porch

preceding the sanctuary, used as an assembly hall.

Jfainism. A sect founded by Mahavira in the sixth

century B.C. preaching a rigid asceticism and solicitude

for all life as a means of escaping the cycle of


Jfdtakas. 'Birth stories.' Tales of previous incarnations

of the Buddha in either human or animal form.

jfina. See Tirthdmkara.

Kalas'a. Rain vase, container of elixir of life, finial of

Hindu temples.

Kalpa. An incalculable cycle of time, sometimes described

as a day of Brahma. At the close of each day

or kalpa the world is destroyed by Siva, and at the

dawn of the next it is recreated with the re-birth of

Brahma from the navel of Vishnu.

Kanjur. Local name of a soft limestone used at Taxila.

Karma. The idea of retribution in the life cycle, whereby

acts in previous existences lead to inevitable

results in the shape of good or bad incarnations in

later lives.

Kinnaras. Fabulous beings, half man, half bird.

Celestial musicians.

Kirttimukha. Grotesque mask.

Kongokai Mandara. See Vajradhdtu Mandala.

Krsna (Krishna). The Black One. Incarnation of

Visnu. Hero of the Mahabharata.

Ksatriya. The princely or warrior caste in Hinduism.

Ksetra. The 'field' or paradise of one of the Dhyani

Buddhas of the Four Directions.

Kuvera. Chief of the yakshas and guardian of the


Laksand. One of the thirty-two superior marks distinguishing

the anatomy of a Buddha; symbol,


Laksmi. Goddess of fortune.

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