The art and architecture of India - Buddhist, Hindu, Jain (Art Ebook)

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Before 1924 the history of Indian art in surviving

The Indus Valley Period certainly cannot be

or talismans found at all the centres excavated. 2 Aryan invasion in about 1500 B.C.

monuments could not be traced farther described as prehistoric, nor does the evidence

back than the Macedonian invasion in the fourth of the finds entirely permit the definition

century B.C. The entire concept of the early of chalcolithic in the sense of a bronze or

cultures of India was changed by the dramatic copper age. In view of the many well-forged

discovery of a great urban civilization that existed

links with later developments in Indian culture,

contemporaneously with the ancient cul-

a better descriptive term would be 'proto-

ture of Mesopotamia in the third millennium historic', which defines its position in the

B.C. 1 Although the chief centres of this civilization

were brought to light in the Indus Valley,

there are indications that it extended uniformly

period before the beginning of known history

and its forecast of later phases of Indian civilization.

as far north as the Punjab and the North-west The principal cities of the Indus Valley

Frontier (Pakistan) and may have included all

or part of Rajputana and the Ganges Valley.

The term Indo-Sumerian, sometimes used

to describe this period of Indian history, derives

from the resemblance of many objects at the

chief centres of this culture to Mesopotamian

forms. It is, in a sense, a misleading designation

culture are Mohenjo-daro on the Indus River

and Harappa in the Punjab. The character of

the finds has led investigators to the conclusion

that the peoples of the Indus culture must have

had some contact with ancient Mesopotamia.

These commercial connexions with the ancient

Near East were maintained by sea and overland

because it implies that this Indian civilization by way of Baluchistan. The dating of the Indus

was a provincial offshoot of Sumeria, whereas it Valley civilization depends almost entirely on

is more proper to think of it as an entirely comparison with vestiges of similar architectural

separate culture that attained just as high a level

as that of the great Mesopotamian empires. A

better title would be the 'Indus Valley Period',

and sculptural remains in Mesopotamia and

on the discovery of objects of Indian origin in a

level corresponding to 2400 B.C. at Tel Asmar in

since this designation is completely descriptive Iraq. On the basis of these finds and other

of the principal centres of this civilization. As

will be seen, it is not so much the relationships

to Mesopotamia and Iran that are surprising, as

the complete separateness and autonomy of this

related objects found at Kish and Susa in Iran,

the beginnings of the Indus culture have been

fixed in the middle of the third millennium B.C.

The latest evidence suggests that the civilization

first great civilization in Indian history in the

of Mohenjo-daro and Harappa lasted for

major aspects of its development. Typical of the about eight hundred years, until the seventeenth

independence of the Indus Valley art, and the

century B.C. 3 It was succeeded by an

mysteries surrounding it, is the undeciphered inferior and very obscure culture known as the

script which appears on the many steatite seals Jhukar, which endured up to the time of the

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