The art and architecture of India - Buddhist, Hindu, Jain (Art Ebook)

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warfare during the seventh and eighth centuries.

It split into two principalities designated now

as Chen-la of the Land and Chen-la of the Sea. 9

There are mentions for the first time now of the

Khmers, who presumably were the Cambodian

people from northern Indo-China who asserted

their autonomy during this period of upheaval.

Hereafter it is proper to speak of Khmer art as

something replacing the earlier styles with their

heavy dependence on Indian models.

The Khmer building tradition is composed of

elements derived from an earlier indigenous

wooden architecture and forms and techniques

imported from India. According to the French

scholar, Parmentier, the original timber buildings

consisted of halls or galleries surmounted

by angular tiled roofs, often multiplied or piled

up in pyramidal fashion, as may be seen in the

modern architecture of Cambodia, Siam, and

Burma. 10 A distinction is also to be made

between northern and southern elements. In

the earlier southern style of architecture based

ultimately on wooden prototypes in ancient

Funan, the tower, either singly or in groups, is

the most important feature of temple-building.

Northern architecture, derived from indigenous

timber construction of Cambodian or Khmer

origin in Chen-la, contributed the concept of

towers joined by walled galleries. All these

elements, native and Indian, northern and

southern, merge in the last phase of architectural

development at Angkor.

There are many monuments that could be

chosen to illustrate the successive steps towards

this solution. But within the limitations of this

book we can mention only the dedications by

Yasovarman at Lolei (Roluos) near Angkor,

remarkable for the concept of grouping a

number of individual cellas on a single terrace

and for the new cruciform plan of the individual

towers [322]. This arrangement of many

separate towers containing statues of divinities

322. Lolei (Roluos), towers

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