The art and architecture of India - Buddhist, Hindu, Jain (Art Ebook)

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must have risen to a height of one hundred feet

above the ground. The remains of a Buddhist

chaitya have also been discovered there. This

temple, erected on a square double platform,

consisted apparently of a cella of massive proportions

which, originally, was probably only a

larger version of the small Kashmir temples of a

later period. The construction at Parihasapura


characterized by the literally gigantic size of

the blocks of ashlar masonry employed. These

great stones were apparently joined together by

gypsum mortar and iron

dowels. The largest

stone of all was the great block, fourteen by

twelve feet, that formed the floor of the

Buddhist temple.

Another phase of the classical architecture of

Kashmir is represented by the Brahmanical

buildings dating from the eighth to the

thirteenth century a.d. Of these structures the

most impressive is certainly the sun-temple at

Martand, which appears to have served as a

model for all later Brahmanical shrines [ 1 39 and

140]. The great beauty of the setting on a high

plateau framed by distant mountains contributes

enormously to the impressiveness of the

temple. The central shrine is again placed in the

middle of a rectangular court with a surrounding

cellular peristyle two hundred and twenty

by one hundred and forty-two feet in dimensions.

It was built by King Lalitaditya in the

middle of the eighth century a.d. The temple

differs from other examples in Kashmir in the

addition of a portico to the central building for

the accommodation of special rites in conjunction

with the worship of the sun. Between the

portico and the garbha griha or cella is another

small chamber corresponding to the pronaos of

a Greek temple. The shrine was originally

covered by a pyramidal roof, and attained a

height of close to seventy-five feet. The massive

decoration of its exterior contains elements

specially typical of the architecture of Kashmir.

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