The art and architecture of India - Buddhist, Hindu, Jain (Art Ebook)

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Sathsdra. The unending cycle of life and rebirth.

Sahghdrdma. Buddhist monastery.

Sannyastn. A Hindu religious mendicant.

Santhaghdra. Village assembly hall in the form of a

flat-roofed edifice without walls.

Sdstra. A text or manual devoted to the rules and

principles of a craft, i.e. architecture, painting, or


Sikhara. Spire, tower. Typical form of Indo-Aryan


Silpa sdstra. Manual of architecture, etc.

Silpin. Craftsman.

Simhdsana. Lion throne.

Siva. The third member of the Hindu Trinity, emblematic

both of destruction and procreative power.

Stambha. Pillar.

Stupa. Buddhist relic mound.

Stupika. The topmost portion of a South Indian

shrine, usually including both the kalasa or pot and

the vertical finial above it.

Suet. Needle, cross bar of a vedika.

Sudra. The serf class in Hinduism.

Sutra. Sacred text, usually one attributed to the

Buddha himself.

Sutradhdra. Architect or carpenter.

Tdndaia. Siva's dance in the cemeteries and burninggrounds,

emblematic of his cosmic function of

creation and destruction.

Tahka. A Tibetan banner or sacred picture.

Tapas. The generation of concentrated energy by the

gods for creation. In yogic practice the exercise of

ascetic will power so concentrated that it dissolves or

melts all resistance to lift the human to the divine or

cosmic level.

Thalam. A palm, or the distance from brow to chin,

used in systems of proportion for determining the

height of Indian images.

Tirthamkdra. One of the twenty-four Jain sages or

patriarchs who attained perfection in

of time.

earlier cycles

Torana. Gate of the enclosure of a Buddhist stupa.

Tribhanga. Pose of the three bends in the dance and in


Trikdya. Doctrine of the three bodies of the Buddha

in Mahayana Buddhism.

Trimala. The three superimposed rings of masonry at

the base of a Singhalese dagaba.

Trimurti. Having three forms or shapes, as Brahma,

Visnu, and Siva. Sometimes applied to the triune

aspect of Siva Mahesa.

Trxratna. Trident symbol of the three jewels: the

Buddha, the Law, and the Order.

Trisula. Trident emblem of Siva.

Urnd. Whorl of hair on the brow of the Buddha.

Urusrnga. The small turrets clustered on the successive

levels of a sikhara and duplicating its shape in


Usnisa. Protuberance on head of the Buddha emblematic

of his more than mortal knowledge and


Vais'ya. The cultivator caste in Hinduism.

Vajra. Diamond, thunderbolt. Destroying but indestructible

emblem of Buddhist and Hindu deities.

Vajradhdtu Mandala. In esoteric Buddhism, the

magic diagram of the Spiritual World.

Vajrdsana. Adamantine throne of the Great Enlightenment.

Veda. Term applied to the four religious books containing

the sacred knowledge for the performance of

Brahmanic priestly ritual. The most famous of these

works, composed in the first millennium B.C., is the

Rig Veda.

Vedika. Railing or fence of a sacred enclosure, such as

the Buddhist stupa.

Vesara. Type of temple characteristic of Central India

in the form of a Buddhist chaitya-hall.

Vihdra. A Buddhist monastery.

Vimdna. Term applied to a temple as a whole, comprising

the sanctuary and attached porches.

Visnu ( Vishnu). The Preserver, second member of the

Hindu Trinity.

Wdhalkada. Frontispiece or platform attached to

Singhalese stupa or dagaba.

Yajna. Sacrifice.

Yaksha and Yakshi. Dravidian nature spirits associated

with fertility.

Yd lis.

Fantastic monsters made up of parts of lion,

horse, and elephant.

Yasti. Mast or pole of Buddhist stupa.

Yoga. Communication with universal spirit by practice

of ecstatic meditation.

Yupa. Sacrificial post.

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