The art and architecture of India - Buddhist, Hindu, Jain (Art Ebook)

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cords in front of an actual image are selfexplanatory

[295]. Although the use of such a

mechanical device might appear to result in

complete deadness, it must be remembered

that machines like this and the system of proportions

were merely aids which the artist's

particular inspiration and skill was expected to

utilize to the full measure of his technical and

aesthetic capacity.

Common subjects in

the early sculpture at

Anuradhapura are the reliefs of gate guardians (*+-> )

or dvarapalas, usually in the shape of nagas

with nine-headed cobra hoods; their svelte and

elegant proportions again recall the work at

Amaravati [296]. The elaborate jewelled accessories

and conical head-dresses are close to

Gupta representations of Bodhisattvas. These

nagarajis carry jars emblematic of prosperity

and good luck.

The visitor to this ancient capital will find a

characteristic type of threshold-stone placed at

296. Anuradhapura, dvarapala cAs"

the entrances to many of the shrines [297].

Usually called moon stones from their semi- (^37

circular form, these reliefs are extremely

297. Anuradhapura, 'Queen's Pavilion', moon stone

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