The art and architecture of India - Buddhist, Hindu, Jain (Art Ebook)

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to the final absorption in the Void or Absolute,

which is symbolized in that strange mirage in

stone that greets the worshipper when he emerges

into the centre of the mandala in the empty

spaces of the upper terraces. Thus each floor of

Barabudur could be said to represent a separate

world or plane of life.

The differences in style that exist between

the reliefs on the levels of Barabudur are not due

to the 'aesthetic urge' of various craftsmen nor

the desire for 'decorative' variation : these styles,

as will be noted in further detail, are determined

by the nature of the texts the reliefs illustrate.

The carvings of the covered basement representing

scenes from hell and the world of men

are, as was appropriate for these episodes from

the 'real' world, carved with evident realism

and a wealth of circumstantial detail reminiscent

of that vigorous directness of true popular

art that we find in early India. None of these

abstract canons of physical beauty reserved for

images of Buddha and the gods is here evident

in these figures of men and demons.

The same style is evident in the Jataka reliefs

of the first gallery [386]. In the scenes dealing

with the life ofBuddha, however, the informality

of arrangement and crowding of picturesque

details give way to a more ordered, one might

say, more classic composition [387]: we are

conscious that the figures are enacting a heroic

and universal truth and not participating in the

changeable and unreal actions of the world of

387. Barabudur, first gallery.



Upper register : The Bath of the Bodhisattva.

Lower register : Hiru lands in Hiruka

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