The art and architecture of India - Buddhist, Hindu, Jain (Art Ebook)

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causeways with bridges. On either side of the bridges

there are fifty-four stone demons, like stone generals,

gigantic and terrible. The five gates are identical. The

parapets of the bridges are of stone, carved in the

shape of nine-headed serpents. The fifty-four demons

hold the serpents in their hands. ... On the city gates

there are five stone heads ofBuddha, their faces turned

to the west, the middle one being adorned with gold.

The two sides of the gates are carved as elephants'

heads. The wall is entirely built of superimposed

blocks of stone. . . . The stones are carefully and

solidly joined, and no weeds grow on them. 23

We shall presently recognize all the elements

mentioned in this precise account. Referring

specifically to the Bayon, Chou Ta-kuan writes

'The centre of the realm is marked by a tower of

gold surrounded by more than twenty towers of

stone and a hundred stone chambers', a succinct

description of the sanctuary with its multiple

spires and maze of galleries.

In its

present form the monument has the

essential pyramidal elevation of many earlier

examples [339]. The most distinctive feature is

the carving of gigantic masks of the Bodhisattva

Lokesvara - 'the Lord of the World' - on the

four sides of each and every one of the towers. 24

Similar heads are repeated on the towers of the

chapels, at the corners of the city wall, and, as

Chou Ta-kuan noted, over the gateways at the

four points of the compass. The Bayon is in the

centre of the square city plan, from which intersecting

avenues radiate to the portals in the

walls [341]. These walls may be regarded as the

outer enclosure of the sanctuary and symbolically

intimately related to it.

The temple proper was the central mountain

or Meru, like the centre of earlier Khmer

341. Angkor Thorn

capitals ; here the symbolism extends to the city

walls, which stand for the cakravdla, the

circumambient mountain ranges around the

mythical world mountain; and the outer moat

completes the magic image as a likeness of the

ocean that girdles the world. The import of this

vast complex in architecture is completed by

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