The art and architecture of India - Buddhist, Hindu, Jain (Art Ebook)

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of all

the schools of Hindu thought, becomes

only another Hindu sect. The last phase of the

religion offered salvation through the priests'

recitation of unintelligible spells or dhdrdnis

and magical formulas which could be neither

understood nor recited by the devotees. Not

only is this infallibility of the priests or gurus a

parallel to the function of the Brahmin priests,

but other, even more sinister, elements came to

undermine the fabric of the Buddhist Church.

It was an evil day for the Mahayana faith when

the Buddhist holy man Asahga brought the

Hindu gods to earth to aid men not only towards

salvation but in the attainment of worldly desires.

The Hindu gods infiltrated into Buddhism

in the disguise of personifications of various

powers of Buddha. It was not long before the

Bodhisattvas themselves, endowed with many

arms and heads, could scarcely be distinguished

from the great gods of the Hindu pantheon.

The most vicious phase of Asaiiga's doctrine

was the introduction of the worship of the

Tantra, which meant essentially devotion paid

to the female energy or sakti, a concept borrowed

from the more corrupt phase of Hinduism,

that in its grosser aspects encouraged sexual

practices of every description as a means of

devotion, as a kind of physical enactment of

union with the divine. This last phase of Buddhism

flourished in Bengal from the eighth

century until the extirpation of the religion by

the Mohammedan invasions. From there it was

transplanted to Nepal and Tibet, where the

iconography and style of this last phase of

Indian Buddhism are still preserved. 13

However, the same centuries which marked

the decline and final eclipse of Buddhism also

saw the beginning of a true renaissance of Hinduism,

and this developed into the philosophical

and devotional system of worship that has claimed

the faith of Indian millions for more than a

thousand years. Nothing could more eloquently

demonstrate the vigour and power of that religion

than the magnificent works of Hindu art

dedicated in this same millennium. The final

phase of the Hindu Church represents the

complete unity

of worship and worshippers.

Although the division of worship between the

devotees of Vishnu, Siva, and Krishna may

appear clearly defined, then and now, and in the

eternity of Indian time, all these gods are but

manifestations of one god, the Great Lord in his

final and ineffable form.

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