The art and architecture of India - Buddhist, Hindu, Jain (Art Ebook)

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Later Andhra reliefs, which were, of course, the

artistic prototypes of the Pallava style. Not the

least important element in this gigantic theatrical

tableau is the figure of the giant Ravana.

His multiple arms, indicative of his manifold

powers, are spread out like the spokes of a wheel,

their arrangement effectively communicating

the idea of the superhuman pressure that he is

exerting against Siva's mountain throne.

The last great achievement of architectural

sculpture in western India is the cave temple on

the island of Elephanta in the harbour of Bombay.

This sanctuary was ruthlessly desecrated

by the Portuguese in the sixteenth century. A

stone panel with a lengthy inscription, presumably

including the date of dedication, disappeared

at the same time, so that the age of the

temple remains a matter of conjecture, but its

date is no earlier than the eighth or ninth


The temple proper is a pillared hall roughly

ninety feet on a side with six rows of six columns

'supporting' the roof of the cave. The arrangement

of the sanctuary is an outgrowth of such

earlier plans as the temple at Bhumara in which

space was provided for an interior circumambulation

of the shrine [244]. Actually, since at

Elephanta the main object of worship is attached

to the back of the hall, the arrangement more

nearly resembles the interior of the Ladh Khan

temple, where the shrine occupies a similar

position and pradaksina is impossible [159].

As in many cave temples, the pillars show the

greatest irregularity not only in alignment but

in individual details of carving; in many the

corners of the bases are not even true right

O IO 20 30 40 50 FEET

O 3 6 9 12 15 METRES

244. Elephanta, Siva temple


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