The art and architecture of India - Buddhist, Hindu, Jain (Art Ebook)

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344- Angkor Thorn, the Bayon, Buddha

345. Angkor Thorn, the Bayon, outer wall,

scene of military campaign


various provinces of the Empire, and had in

them images, Brahmanic or Buddhist, which

were locally worshipped in these places, in order

to proclaim by this concentration in the central

temple of the Empire that Jayavarman was king,

not only at Angkor, but in every region of his

Empire. It was the magic function of the masks

of Lokesvara and of the chapels of the provinces

to maintain the essence of sovereignty, the

divine power of the Devaraja, in every quarter

of the realm.

The Bayon, transformed into a templemountain

by Jayavarman VII, illustrates an

arrangement of horizontal and vertical elements

only somewhat different from that which

determined the form of Angkor Wat. The

galleries are all roofed with corbelled vaults; the

exterior of these roofs, as at Angkor Wat, is

carved in imitation of tiling. The towers, constructed

as usual without any mortar, maintain

their stability only through the sheer downward

pressure of the enormous mass of masonry. The

monument illustrates the final stage in a process

whereby the sculptural ornament completely

dominates and overwhelms the architecture

that supports it.


The quantity of carving on the Bayon is so

great that it is difficult to single out any

individual details of sculpture for special

analysis. The outer walls of the precinct are

decorated with reliefs of scenes of peace and

war within the Empire and subjects from the

Rdmdyana [345]. This carving remains unfinished,

and we can see in our illustration how

the sculptors proceeded by first incising the

design on the surface and then chiselling out the


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