The art and architecture of India - Buddhist, Hindu, Jain (Art Ebook)

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in Hindu sanctuaries. The figures of dancers

interrupting the links of the chain remind us of

Chalukya sculpture [242 and 243], and the

beautifully wrought elephant recalls the characterization

of these beasts at Mamallapuram

[234 and 235]. Metal objects of this sort were

cast solid, according to the cire-perdue process.

A number of literary works of the Pallava and

Chalukya Periods refer to the art of bronze

casting, notably the Manasollasa of the Western

Chalukya king Somesvara (1122-38).

Another early example of metalwork in South

India is a large round bronze basin supported

by elephant caryatids, which was found in the

Kistna region [263]. This object is probably of

Pallava or early Chalukya date. The elephant as

262. Bronze temple lamp and chain

from the Jogesvari caves, Bombay.

Bombay, Prince of Wales Museum

263. Bronze basin from the Kistna region.

London, Victoria and Albert Museum

One of the earliest examples of metalwork

from the Period of the Hindu Dynasties is a

chain for a temple lamp found in the Jogesvari

caves (Bombay) [262]. 7 This object may be

dated in the eighth century, the period of the

Western Chalukyas. Such chains were used for

swinging lamps, like censers, at evening worship

a supporting member is familiar in the architecture

of Gandhara and on a monumental scale

on the base of the Kailasa temple at Ellura and

in the platform, or 'Elephant wall', supporting

the Ruvanveli dagaba at Anuradhapura. 8

Among the great works of minor art from the

Period of the Hindu Dynasties are the jewel

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