The art and architecture of India - Buddhist, Hindu, Jain (Art Ebook)

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in the lower galleries.

We have a change from

the upper terraces really implies the transition

exoteric to esoteric doctrine, suggesting the

similar division in the text of the Lotus Sutra

(Saddharma Pundarika). The change coming

here at the fifth level is significant, for it is on

leaving the fourth and entering the fifth level of

his trance that the yogin begins to become integrated

with the One. Moreover, it does seem

probable that what we describe as generally

more empty and static in the compositions of

these final reliefs in the Barabudur cyclorama

in stone may be deliberate in another way: they

are preparing the pilgrim for the great emptiness

of the upper terraces where sit the Buddhas of

the world beyond form and thought. These

from exoteric to esoteric, from the material

world to the spiritual world. The limited, fixed

square is expressive of the world of experience

and material phenomena. The circle has no

corners, no directions, it implies an infinite

radiation from its centre - without limit - the

realm of boundless spirit, the empyrean. With

the pilgrims to Barabudur we, too, have emerged

from the long stone corridors girdling the pyramid,

and are now face to face with the last great


The innermost secrets of Barabudur are

linked up with the identity and function of the

Dhyani Buddha images that cover the monuimages

on the last platforms, isolated against the

ment from top to bottom :

Aksobhya, Ratnasambhava,

Amitabha, Amoghasiddhi [390];


sky, are the most eloquent and dramatic representation

that art could devise of the great void

which is the Creator and the last home of the

soul that has wandered down the worlds so long

and wearily.

The idea of this final emptiness and absence

of form is already prophesied in the austerity of

setting, the frozen and solemn formality of the

reliefs that illustrate the more esoteric texts of

the fourth gallery. The transition from the

square terraces of the pyramid to the circles of

are the mystic Buddhas associated with the four

directions, who are all recognizable by their

characteristic mudras and are placed in niches

on the exterior of the balustrades of the first

four galleries on the East, South, West, and

North respectively. On the fifth gallery on all

four sides are images of another Buddha in

teaching mudra, who is to be identified as a

form of Vairocana. There are also seventy-two

Buddhas in dharmacakra mudra, half-hidden

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