The art and architecture of India - Buddhist, Hindu, Jain (Art Ebook)

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JAVA 461

traditional Indian forms of the stupa and prasada,

so, too, the style of the sculpture is re-made

in Javanese terms to meet the requirements of

what was essentially a complete plastic embodiment

of a cosmic diagram. As has already been

suggested, there are not one, but many, styles

of relief carving. The piquant naturalism of the

Jataka and Avadana panels is in some ways

reminiscent of the carvings of Sanchi. The

relief has an orderliness, both from the point of

view of composition of the main elements of

figures and settings and its inevitable presentation

in not more than two distinct planes, that

is at once very rich in a decorative sense and also

architecturally appropriate. This is a quality

that perhaps may be recognized as distinctly

Javanese, since the description could apply with

equal validity to the sculpture of many other

monuments of the Middle Javanese Period.

The reliefs of the upper galleries in their greater

simplicity and the isolation of forms against a

plain background seem like a development out

of the Gupta reliefs of the Sarnath workshops


The great temple of Barabudur is the final

monument of Mahayana Buddhism in Java.

Indeed, it was not long after its completion that

the worship of Siva became the official religion

of the realm. One of the principal monuments of

this final phase of art in eastern Java was the

temple at Loro Jongrang near Prambanan that

was apparently intended as a Hindu rival to

Barabudur [393 and 394]. There are three main

shrines dedicated to Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva,

surrounded by no less than one hundred and

fifty individual chapels/all placed on an artificial

terrace. The principal shrines are repetitions of

the cruciform plans of some of the earlier temples.

The Siva Temple at Loro Jongrang,

datable a.d. 860-915, consists of a shrine with

projecting porches placed at the summit of a

steep truncated pyramid; stairways at all four

sides convert the plan into a cruciform shape.

The elevation is immediately suggestive of the

393 (left)- Loro Jongrang, Siva temple

394. Loro Jongrang, Prambanan

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