The art and architecture of India - Buddhist, Hindu, Jain (Art Ebook)

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patterns, carved with the utmost delicacy and

feeling for effective shadow. This is the exact

sculptural equivalent of the magnificently

painted ceilings of the Ajanta cave temples

which will be considered later.

One of the few surviving gems of Hindu

architecture of the Gupta Period is the temple of

Vishnu at Deogarh. This fragmentary building

is one of the most ornate and beautifully composed

examples of Gupta architecture. The

temple itself occupies the innermost enclosure

of a mandala of nine squares [161]. 4 It probably

dates from the fifth

century. The shrine as it

survives consists of a cubic block of finely joined

ashlar masonry, surmounted by a ruined pyramidal

tower that at one time rose to about forty

feet in height. This cella was originally surrounded

by four porticoes, one leading to the

sanctuary, the other three serving to set off and

protect the reliefs of Brahmanic subjects set in

the remaining walls of the edifice [162]. These

panels are deeply sunk in an elaborate framework

of pilasters of the Indian order and a frieze

of foliate scrolls and lion heads. This ornament

is not far removed from the work on the

Dhamekh stupa. The carving of the frame

complements the richness of the reliefs. Their

baroque depth in their box-like settings gives

the effect of a spectacle on a stage and seems to

prophesy the dynamic chiaroscuro of later

Hindu sculpture. The voluptuous grace of the

figures and the already familiar metaphorical

conventions of anatomy and features remind us

of the style of Gupta Buddhist sculpture at


But the richness and dramatic conception

of relief are far more moving than anything

to be found in Buddhist art of the fifth and

sixth centuries, and are an unmistakable indication

of the real renaissance that was taking

place in the art of the Hindu Church. Originally

the temple platform was decorated with a

continuous frieze representing events from the

epic Rdmdyana, a text popular in Gupta times

for its heroic account of the triumph of a godly

race. This is the earliest example of a motif that


The main doorway of the temple at Deogarh

is repeated over and over again in the architecture

of Java.

may serve as an example of the extremely ornate

type of portal that makes its appearance now

161. Deogarh, Vishnu temple

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