The art and architecture of India - Buddhist, Hindu, Jain (Art Ebook)

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central pyramid. Even in such details as the

individual profiles of these mouldings the architectural

motifs appear to be original Khmer

inventions in no way related to Indian models.

As in all its predecessors, the vaulting of the

galleries and towers of Angkor Wat is constructed

entirely on the corbel principle, with

iron dowels used to hold together the superimposed

courses of masonry. 19 The structure is

mortarless and is supported by weight and

gravity. At Angkor Wat we have what is only a

more complicated combination of many small

elements to form a larger whole, a method of

building which, as has already been explained,

was necessitated by the Khmer architects'

ignorance of any but the most primitive types

of vaulting.

What most impresses the visitor to Angkor

Wat beyond its gigantic scale and clarity of plan

is the great beauty and variety of sculptural

ornament. This decoration is not only the finest

achievement of the Cambodian sculptors, but of

tremendous significance for an understanding

of the iconography of the monument as a whole.

The development of relief sculpture in

Cambodia, which attains its apogee in Angkor

Wat, follows step by step the growth of Khmer

architecture from its strongly Indian beginnings

to the final explosive Baroque style of the

last period. In early Khmer architecture, as

illustrated by the temples at Sambor, sculpture

plays a subordinate role; in these buildings that

are so closely derived from late Gupta or Pallava

models the carving is limited to the decoration

of the lintels and tympana and the insertion of

figures in niches let in the walls. Some of the

structures at Sambor are ornamented with

medallions filled with reliefs, a type that almost

certainly stems from the employment of this

lintel and tympanum panels are filled to overflowing

with deeply carved floral motifs or

subjects from the Rdmdyana and the Mahdbhdrata;

the wall is more and more broken up

by niches containing images of deities; every

pinnacle and crenellation is bristling with carving.

As may be illustrated particularly well by

the tenth-century decorations of the Baphuon


trie figures and relief compositions are

still confined to the limitation of panels and

frames, as was the case with relief sculpture of

the Gupta Period. The effect of the scenes from

the legend of Vishnu on this monument is not

unlike that of the Gupta stelae at Sarnath, with

separate episodes enacted by relatively few

figures located in a number of superimposed

individual panels.

2,2,3- Angkor Thorn. Baphuon.

scenes from the legend of Vishnu

form at later Buddhist sites like Amaravati. :

During the next three hundred years there is

a marked increase in the amount of sculptural

ornament and in the richness of its carving;

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