The art and architecture of India - Buddhist, Hindu, Jain (Art Ebook)

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debacle. Another reason that might be advanced

for the disappearance of Khmer civilization is

that, with the sweeping away of the Cambodian

aristocracy and priesthood, folk-art replaced

the grandiose dreams of a cosmos created in


It is a commentary on the failure of the last

century of Khmer religion that the people

apparently were quite eager to abandon the

complexity of Vajrayana Buddhism and its

352. Pottery amphora.

Hanoi, Musee Finot

fantastic symbolic architecture in favour of the

simple philosophic Pali Buddhism which their

Siamese conquerors offered. 27

The finds of ceramics in the precincts of the

ancient Khmer capitals include numerous

vessels which are presumably Sung or early

Ming imports or the productions of Chinese

workmen attached to the local kilns. Other

wares are almost certainly of indigenous manufacture.

These are pottery vases, some in the

shape of animals, covered with a brownish

glaze. 28 A particularly splendid shape is an

amphora with an elegant profile that recalls the

curvature of the balusters of the Angkor style


A fitting object with which to close our consideration

of the minor arts in Indo-China is the

Prah Khan, or sacred sword, a relic returned by

the Siamese in

1864 for the coronation of the

first Cambodian king and presumably still preserved

as part of the royal palladia in the palace

at Phnom Penh. 29 The two-edged steel blade

and its hilt are heavily encrusted with relief

decoration in gold [353]. The ornament comprises

representations of a kirtimukha or monster

mask, Indra on a three-headed elephant, and

Brahma. The same type of long sword without

guard may be seen in many reliefs at Angkor

Wat and the Bayon, so that it would seem

possible to date this precious object, to which

many fantastic legends are attached, to the

twelfth or thirteenth centuries. The actual

relief ornament is executed with the same

precision of craftsmanship that distinguishes all

Khmer sculpture. As a kind of symbol of the

passing of Khmer power into the hands of the

Siamese, the scabbard of the sacred sword

[354], executed in an elaborate gold filigree,

originally studded with rubies and green and

red enamel, is almost certainly of Siamese

workmanship comparable to objects in the

famous golden treasure of Ayudhya. 30

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