The art and architecture of India - Buddhist, Hindu, Jain (Art Ebook)

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Khmer temple mountain and the plan appears

396. Candi Mendut, Buddha and Bodhisattvas

as an ultimate derivative from the shrine at

Paharpur in Bengal [195]. The most notable

feature of the decoration of this sanctuary is the

frieze of reliefs illustrating the Rdmdyana on the

exterior of the balustrade of the upper terrace

[395]. The style of carving corresponds to that

of the panels devoted to the life of Buddha at

Barabudur. Owing perhaps to the nature of the

subject matter, the actual compositions are

more dramatically conceived and more dynamic

in execution.

Belonging to the same period as Barabudur

is the Buddhist shrine of Candi Mendut, notable

for the magnificent trinity of Buddha with

attendant Bodhisattvas [396]. Like the Buddhas

of Barabudur these images reveal a marvellously

plastic translation of the Indian Gupta formula

into Indonesian terms. What distinguishes these

statues particularly is the wonderful sense of

form combined with a reduction of the volumes

of heads and bodies to interlocking spheroidal

and cylindrical shapes that imparts a feeling of

almost architectural simplification and makes

them such moving symbols of the serenity of

The end of the great period of art in central

Java comes with the unexplained desertion of

the Dieng Plateau in 915 and the removal of the

centre of government and religion to eastern

Java. The next centuries marked the emergence

of Java as a great commercial power and the

development of a maritime trade linking the

island with the entire Far Eastern world. The

final revival or renaissance in Javanese art

begins in the thirteenth century with the Singasari

and Majapahit Dynasties. The monuments

395. Loro Jongrang, Siva temple,

Rama and the Crocodile, scene from the Rdmdyana

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