The art and architecture of India - Buddhist, Hindu, Jain (Art Ebook)

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have been installed in the central dome of the

monument and then see if the actual statue


these requirements. The interpretation of

the idol of the terminal stupa - and indeed the

interpretation of the whole monument - is

intimately related to the cult of the Devaraja

centring around such replicas of the world

scheme in architecture as the Bayon at Angkor

Thorn in Cambodia. 5

In Java, there is evidence that the Devaraja

in the form of a lingam was worshipped as early

as the sixth century. A later inscription reads

Having set up with due devotion the statue of the king

who was consecrated in the shape of Mahaksobhya . .

I his humble servant have prepared this description

by order of the priest Vajrajnana. 6

In other words, the great kings were regarded as

manifestations of the Buddhas, too.

This leads us to the conclusion that the statue

of the chief stupa, following Cambodian precedent,

would have been that of a divinized king -

a Devaraja or Buddharaja - the great Sailendra

or King of the Mountain. The seventy-two

Buddhas, like the multiple heads of the Bayon

towers - in addition to their time symbolism -

stood for the extension and emanation of the

royal and divine power to every part of the

Sailendra Empire; that is, there are really not

seventy-two Buddhas, but one Buddha everywhere

manifested. The whole shrine is then the

complete world and its order, the succession of

points visited by the sun in its round, the cycle

of time materialized in space constituting the

Law rendered visible in the geographic, political,

and spiritual centre of the realm.

The chief statue may have been another

Vairocana. What it was, or if there was any

statue there at all, does not matter materially.

This central highest point is important as the

summit of the hierarchy, and the terminal stupa,

empty or with an image in it, would stand for

the Supreme Buddha and the apotheosis of the

sovereign. The image or symbol at the highest

and innermost point represents - like the highest

form in the two mandalas - the reduction of

multiplicity into essential unity, since in Vairocana

all is One. It is the Universal King and

Perfect Sage who, placed at the centre of the

cosmic wheel, sets it in motion and is himself

unmoved as the Pole whereon he reigns. It

would represent at once the universal rule and

the extension of that rule to every atom in every

world of the cosmic system and, as at Angkor,

the magic centre where was enthroned the

divine essence of kings.

Vairocana is actually the historical Buddha

idealized in Dharmakaya, the eternal body of

the Law or Logos. The Jataka tales and the

Buddha legend carved in the galleries of Barabudur

are of course properly part of the esoteric

teaching, as they illustrate at once the way to

Buddhahood and reveal Sakyamuni as the

material earthly appearance of Vairocana. The

whole monument with its hundreds of reliefs

and statues is a vast mandala that shows every

phase of existence at all times and in all places as

so many corporeal manifestations of the divine

and indescribable and yet universal essence of

Vairocana, with which the essence of the king

has been merged in supreme apotheosis. Every

detail of sculpture and every aspect of the

architectural form have been dedicated to the

expression of this hieratic scheme: what we

generally refer to as the 'style' of both the

architecture and the sculpture has been completely

determined by the nature of the magical

conception that the monument was destined to


Just as the general architectural form of Barabudur

shows an obvious dependence on Indian

prototypes iconographic and architectural, so,

too, its sculptural ornamentation reveals an

ultimate dependence on the plastic tradition of

India proper. But, just as the plan and elevation

of the building dedicated to the exposition of a

phase of esoteric Buddhism seem to mark an

entirely new and different employment of the

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