The art and architecture of India - Buddhist, Hindu, Jain (Art Ebook)

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This eminence has been made into a terraced

pyramid in rive levels. Five sandstone towers

stand on the upper terrace, with smaller replicas

on the lower stages of the elevation. Presumably

at one time the spires at the top were auxiliary

shrines grouped around a vanished central

building, in which the symbol of the god-king

was worshipped. The most important architectural

aspect of this building is the location of

a group of still isolated individual towers on the

summit of a pyramid.

Before the solution of the riddles of the Bayon

and Phnom Bakheng, it used to be maintained

that the sanctuary known as the Phimeanakas or

'celestial palace' was the temple-mountain of

Yasovarman I [326]. This was presumably

built in the tenth century as a subsidiary temple

within the walls of Yasodharapura. It is too

small and inaccessible ever to have served as the

327. Angkor Thorn, Phimeanakas

chief temple-mountain of the Empire. As it

exists today, the monument consists of a threestoreyed

pyramid faced with sandstone and

surrounded on its topmost storey by a fenestrated

stone gallery [327]. Stairways with lion

guardians on each landing lead to the summit

326. Angkor Thorn, Phimeanakas

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