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havoc in public life also. It is not to be supposed

that out of something as evil as envy good results

will flow. Those, therefore, who from idealistic

reasons desire profound changes in our social

system, and a great increase of social justice, must

hope that other forces than envy will be

instrumental in bringing the changes about.

All bad things are interconnected, and any one of

them is liable to be the cause of any other; more

particularly fatigue is a very frequent cause of

envy. When a man feels inadequate to the work he

has to do, he feels a general discontent which is

exceedingly liable to take the form of envy towards

those whose work is less exacting. One of the

ways of diminishing envy, therefore, is to diminish

fatigue. But by far the most important thing is to

secure a life which is satisfying to instinct. Much

envy that seems purely professional really has a

sexual source. A man who is happy in his marriage

and his children is not likely to feel much envy of

other men because of their greater wealth or

success, so long as he has enough to bring up his

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