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those minor troubles which make up, if we permit

them to do so, a very large part of life. They are

furious when they miss a train, transported with

rage if their dinner is badly cooked, sunk in

despair if the chimney smokes, and vowing

vengeance against the whole industrial order when

their clothes fail to return from the sanitary steam

laundry. The energy that such people waste on

trivial troubles would be sufficient, if more wisely

directed, to make and unmake empires. The wise

man fails to observe the dust that the housemaid

has not dusted, the potato that the cook has not

cooked, and the soot that the sweep has not swept.

I do not mean that he takes no steps to remedy these

matters, provided he has time to do so; I mean only

that he deals with them without emotion . Worry

and fret and irritation are emotions which serve no

purpose. Those who feel them strongly may say

that they are incapable of overcoming them, and I

am not sure that they can be overcome by anything

short of that fundamental resignation of which we

spoke earlier. The same kind of concentration upon

large impersonal hopes which enables a man to

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