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even in relation to that problem we can deal with it

only in so far as amelioration lies within the power

of each individual without alterations in the social


This is, of course, a very grave limitation, for the

causes of family unhappiness in our day are of the

most diverse sorts, psychological, economic,

social, educational, and political. Where the wellto-do

sections of the community are concerned,

two causes have combined to make women feel

parenthood a burden far heavier than it was ever

felt to be in former times. These two causes are, on

the one hand, the opening of careers to single

women; on the other hand, the decay of domestic

service. In old days women were driven into

marriage by the intolerable conditions of life for

the spinster. The spinster had to live at home in

economic dependence, first upon her father, and

then upon some reluctant brother. She had no

occupations to fill her days and no liberty to enjoy

herself outside the sheltered walls of the family

mansion. She had neither the opportunity nor the

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