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obtain hardly any publicity for his discovery, and

the most apparently high-minded men refuse to lift

a finger to remedy the evil which fills him with

indignation. So far the facts are as he says they are.

But his rebuffs have made such an impression upon

him that he believes an powerful men to be

occupied wholly and solely in covering up the

crimes to which they owe their power. Cases of

this kind are particularly obstinate, owing to the

partial truth of their outlook; the thing that has

touched them personally has made, as is natural,

more impression upon them than the much larger

number of matters of which they have had no direct

experience. This gives them a wrong sense of

proportion, and causes them to attach undue

importance to facts which are perhaps exceptional

rather than typical.

Another not uncommon victim of persecution

mania is a certain type of philanthropist who is

always doing good to people against their will,

and is amazed and horrified that they display no

gratitude. Our motives in doing good are seldom as

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