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very much less of this on the part of women than

there was fifty years ago. I should say that at

present among educated people the sex life of men

is more contorted and more poisoned by the sense

of sin than that of women.

There is beginning to be widespread awareness,

though not of course on the part of public

authorities, of the evils of traditional sex education

in regard to the very young. The right rule is

simple: until a child is nearing the age of puberty

teach him or her no sexual morality whatever, and

carefully avoid instilling the idea that there is

anything disgusting in the natural bodily functions.

As the time approaches when it becomes necessary

to give moral instruction, be sure that it is rational,

and that at every point you can give good grounds

for what you say. But it is not on education that I

wish to speak in this book. In this book I am

concerned rather with what the adult can do to

minimise the evil effects of unwise education in

causing an irrational sense of sin.

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