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acquainted were representative of the whole

world. They can scarcely believe that in another

place or another set the views which they dare not

avow for fear of being thought utterly perverse

would be accepted as the ordinary commonplaces

of the age. Thus through ignorance of the world a

great deal of unnecessary misery is endured,

sometimes only in youth, but not infrequently

throughout life. This isolation is not only a source

of pain, it also causes a great dissipation of energy

in the unnecessary task of maintaining mental

independence against hostile surroundings, and in

ninety-nine cases out of a hundred produces a

certain timidity in following out ideas to their

logical conclusions. The Bronte sisters never met

any congenial people until after their books had

been published. This did not affect Emily, who

was heroic and in the grand manner, but it certainly

did affect Charlotte, whose outlook, in spite of her

talents , remained always to a large extent that of a

governess. Blake, like Emily Bronte, lived in

extreme mental isolation, but like her was great

enough to overcome its bad effects, since he never

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