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so long as he retains it he will find life pleasant

unless his liberty is unduly curtailed. Loss of zest

in civilised society is very largely due to the

restrictions upon liberty which are essential to our

way of life. The savage hunts when he is hungry,

and in so doing is obeying a direct impulse. The

man who goes to his work every morning at a

certain hour is actuated fundamentally by the same

impulse, namely the need to secure a living, but in

his case the impulse does not operate directly and

at the moment when it is felt: it operates indirectly

through abstractions, beliefs and volitions. At the

moment when the man starts off to his work he is

not feeling hungry, since he has just had his

breakfast. He merely knows that hunger will recur,

and that going to his work is a means of satisfying

future hunger. Impulses are irregular, whereas

habits, in a civilised society, have to be regular.

Among savages, even collective enterprises, in so

far as they exist, are spontaneous and impulsive.

When the tribe is going to war the tom-tom’ rouses

military ardour, and herd excitement inspires each

individual to the necessary activity. Modern

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